我的一个读博的美国朋友说,“You might get into an Ivy League school with a low GPA or SAT, if you have a goodstory to tell.”。虽然Personal Essay不是唯一决定一个学生申请的因素,但在我们的其他条件不占优势的情况下,一篇好的Personal Essay可能让你在众多申请者中脱颖而出。 首先,我们来看看各...
and I am applying for your xx program. In university, I have taken classes like Advanced Mathema...
What or who do your turn to when you want to learn more? ●Share an essay on any topic of your choices. It can be one youve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your design. 这么多题目,我们到底该怎么下手准备? 首先,无论选择哪个题目,我们都能受用的几个...
Candidates often agonize for hours and hours on writing the personal essay, reading it over and over again, showing it to countless friends, teachers, and relatives, and trying to divine what the admissions officers are looking for from the university website. The elements that have to be incl...
I feel the Suffolk University can lay the groundwork for making these dreams into reality. 708 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays Read More College Admissions Essay: The Challenge Imagine yourself stuck in a nutshell, jammed in between the two biggest decisions of your life. That was me. Wedged ...
Free Essay: As confident as ever, I showed up at the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) last July with the mindset that I knew everything about myself. I thought I...
I feel the Suffolk University can lay the groundwork for making these dreams into reality. 708 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays Read More Personal Narrative: College Admissions Essay The rapid beating of my heart that aches to break from the confines of my chest- the very housing that traps it....
I am applying for the MSc programme of Scientific Computing and Data Analysis at XXX University. ...
For example, in this essay excerpt, also featured on John Hopkins University’s website: “Now, I still don’t completely understand who I am and who I want to be, but really, who does? I’m not a superhero—but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to save the world. There are ...
Read example essays and write your personal statement for college and university admission using our free and low-cost video courses and step-by-step guides.