Doing so should aid an employees own career development and achieve their career goals. Here are a few areas worth exploring when considering when setting goals. Well-Being Employee well-being is closely aligned with personal productivity and performance in the workplace. Something as simple as ...
Personal development is no rocket science and one really needs to have patience and believe in oneself. There is no specific formula and you can’t expect miracles to happen all of a sudden. Personal development requires meticulous planning and careful analysis. As an individual, you need to kn...
Whether you choose to be a leader in the workplace, at home, or in your community, we believe the most effective leaders are equipped to not only be self-starters but self smarter. We believe everyone has the opportunity to be a leader but that it's a choice to do so. Each week ...
According to one study, Leaders with high emotional intelligence tend to be more attuned to the needs and feelings of their team members, which enables them to provide effective support and guidance. They are skilled in managing conflicts, resolving issues amicably, and creating a workplace ...
Before setting your own professional and personal goals, it may help to see some practical examples for work and life. Take note of these leadership, personal development, and work goals: 1. SMART goal for running a marathon Specific: I’d like to start training every day to run a marathon...
Adult learners have the responsibility for organising their own learning and writing a PDP or action plan and this should be the basis of their continuing professional development (CPD). PDPs are about meeting individual nee...
It’s painfully obvious that every company big or small needs every job filled with the right people and when people leave it costs them. It is equally obvious that every person has different drivers (even Maslow taught that). So what should the message be….. Enjoy what you are doing, ...
TT Training Academy the professional provider helping to develop you, or your employees, skills and personal development.
What is the timeframe? Either put in a general deadline or milestones for different parts of the project. You’ll end up with a clear idea of what needs to get done and how to do it. Now get doing! You can even tie your personal development plan to your annual goals. Read more ab...
Get the Free Bundle: 47 Productivity and Life Planner Worksheets Do you want to make a change in your life but are unsure how to go about it or what to change? These 36personal development goal exampleswill give you a great place to start. ...