喜欢读"Personal Development for Smart People"的人也喜欢· ··· 跨越不可能8.1 10x Is Easier Than 2x8.1 Anything You Want8.4 活出生命的意义8.5 改变8.7 Fluent Forever8.2 How to Live9.2 Unshakeable8.1 Deep Value7.9 非暴力沟通8.4 我要写书评 Personal...
real personal growth is neither fast nor easy. The truth is that hard work, courage, and self-discipline are required to achieve meaningful results - results that are not attained by those who cling to the fantasy of achievement without effort. Personal Development for Smart People reveals the ...
Personal Development for Smart People-中文翻译【第5章 权威】(4)不断积累经验并获得真正的自信 Alicia 对世界再好奇一些3 人赞同了该文章 Confidence 自信 As you grow into your authority, you'll gradually develop confidence. I'm not referring to the temporary "Fake it till you make it" boldness ...
Personal Development for Smart People-中文翻译【第5章 权威】(3)一次次失败后的坚持终将成功 Alicia 对世界再好奇一些Persistence 坚持 To become competent in any new endeavor, you may need to invest a significant amount of time, often many years. It's imperative that you give yourself sufficient ...
<Personal Development for SMART PEOPLE> Chapter 1: Truth 这本书是我逛知乎的时候偶然看到了,是关于个人成长类的书籍,感觉还不错,于是就在这里做做笔记,原文都是英文的,所以就请忍受我拙劣的翻译。这个是作者自己的网站 https://stevepavlina.com/。引言部分讲了作者是怎么样写出这本书的,他经历比较丰富,突然...
一直对个人成长类的书感兴趣,也看过很多书,学会了很多技巧,但是还是过不好自己的生活,直到无意中看到这本《Personal development for smart person》。这本书介绍了一些个人成长的低层核心概念比如真实、爱、力量等,书里给了这些核心概念一种实质化解释,让人感觉非常通透。另外书里也介绍了很多操作性很强的生活建议...
当当豪逸图书专营店在线销售正版《原版Personal Development for Smart People 聪明人的个人成长》。最新《原版Personal Development for Smart People 聪明人的个人成长》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《原版Personal Development for S
Personal Development for Smart People 8.3分 全部书评 (4) 认识成长,以及怎样成长 作者Steve Pavlina以自己的亲身经历为例,讲述他由犯盗窃罪被大学退学开始,历经社区劳动、重新求学、创办软件公司直到成为现在帮助人成长的博客写手的经历。以他自己的... 45 有用 「智慧人士的个人发展」 —— 心灵建设的 Bibl...
Personal Development for Smart Peoplereveals the unvarnished truth about what it takes to consciously grow as a human being. As you read, you'll learn the seven universal principles behind all successful growth efforts, as well as practical, insightful methods for improving your health, relationships...
当当纳兴图书专营店在线销售正版《原版Personal Development for Smart People 聪明人的个人成长》。最新《原版Personal Development for Smart People 聪明人的个人成长》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《原版Personal Development for S