Our Personal Data Protection Policy reveals which types of information we collect about consumers, how we can use such information, and with whom we can share them.
As a result, we may share your personal data with other Thales Group companies and their employees. When your personal data is transferred by a Thales company established in the European Economic Area (hereinafter “the EEA”) or in the United Kingdom (hereinafter “the UK”) to a Thales ...
Before submitting any personal data, the user/contractor should read the information of personal data processing. The information clauses below - GDPR - CMC Poland Sp. z o.o. and GDPR – Commercial Metals Deutschland GmbH apply to natural persons who provide their personal data to companies from...
the police, lawyers, accountants, courts, other public authorities, potential buyers and group-linked companies.If your personal data are transferred to data processors or data controllers established in countries outside the EU/EEA that do not have an adequate level of protection, such a transfer...
(1) We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data, and we share your personal data with third parties only for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes. We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals that receive ...
companies for the purposes of commercial development. The personal data that Farinia collects consist solely of the data necessary to achieve the purposes of the processing implemented. Farinia pledges not to collect more data than necessary. As part of the use of the website www.farinia.com, ...
I recently had the pleasure of conducting a panel discussion with senior KPMG partner Lee Ser Yen, discussing the newly amended Singaporean Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), and the impact which the changes to the Act will have on businesses across th
Implementation of intercompany data processing agreements which include joint controllership provisions determining the responsibilities between the Dassault Sytèmes Group companies. Should you have any questions regarding this agreement, or want to access the essence of this arrangement please fill out the...
This article explains about Thailand's Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). Learn more about the act and how to comply with it.
Protection of personal data at the level of economic structures within companies in Romaniadoi:10.2478/PICBE-2019-0054Monica Florentina CalopereanuAlin Nicuor CalopereanuDaniela Nicoleta SahlianAdriana Florina PopaMarian uicWalter de Gruyter GmbHProceedings of the International Conference on Business ...