The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) does not apply to Federal and State Governments; non-commercial transactions; personal, family and household affairs; credit reference agencies; personal data processed outside of Malaysia (unless the data is intended to be further processed in Malaysia).The ...
Frequently Asked Questions on PDPA When Did PDPA Come Into Effect? The Thailand Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) came into effect on May 27, 2019, with a grace period of one year. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the enforcement of the act was extended until June 1, 2022. ...
About the PDPAIn agreement with the Argentine National Constitution, the Personal Data Protection Act 25.326 (PDPA) (Ley de Protección de los Datos Personales) was executed in 2000 to help protect the privacy of personal data, and to give individuals access to any information stored in public...
PDPA The ASEAN Framework The ASEAN Framework on Personal Data Protectionis a regional initiative in the APAC region, aimed at harmonizing data protection standards across Southeast Asia. While it doesn’t establish a binding law like theEuropean Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it...
Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) is a law published in the Government Gazette on May 27, 2019. The PDPA regulates businesses that hold personal data related to Thai citizens. The government gave a one-year grace period for businesses to comply with the law. However, the Thaila...
transactions.TheAct,however,doesnotrestrainapartyfromprocessingdataiftheprocessing isdonelegitimately,inaccordancewithitsprinciples. ThePersonalDataProtectionAct(PDPA)doesnotapplytoFederalandStateGovernments; non-commercialtransactions;personal,familyandhouseholdaffairs;creditreferenceagencies; ...
Act (PDPA) DATA PROTECTION NOTICE This Data Protection Notice (“Notice”) sets out the basis which 361 Degree Consultancy Pte Ltd (“361DC”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) may collect, use, disclose or otherwise process personal data of persons in accordance with the Personal Data ...
Alibaba Cloud adheres to all Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) requirements which comprise various rules governing the collection, use, disclosure and care of personal data.
The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA), Malaysia’s primary data privacy and protection legislation is now set for significant amendments.
What is PDPA? The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) is an Act that regulates the processing of personal data in regards to commercial transactions. It was gazetted in June 2010. The penalty for non-compliance is between RM100k to 500k and/or between 1 to 3 years imprisonment. ...