The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), passed by the Malaysian Parliament in 2010, has affected many aspects of life in Malaysia, including employment. Storage of data by employers is rampant. Management, as the data user, is duty bound to safeguard the employees' data according to the ...
The enforcement of Malaysia’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010 has been delayed by more than a year but two industry experts believe that the legislation governing the handling of digital data in the country will come into force by year-end. PDPA: Businesses have responsibilities and...
associate companies and jointly controlled entities) (“Fonterra”) which owns and manages amongst others the Anlene products and services recognize the importance of privacy and the sensitivity of data. In line with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (the “Act”), this notice (“Notice...
MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad (“MSM”) is on exercise in complying with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) is an Act that is passed by the Malaysian government to regulate the processing of personal data in a commercial transaction. To comp...
The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) does not apply to Federal and State Governments; non-commercial transactions; personal, family and household affairs; credit reference agencies; personal data processed outside of Malaysia (unless the data is intended to be further processed in Malaysia).The ...
On 15 November 2013, the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) came into force in Malaysia with the objective of protecting the personal data of individuals with respect to commercial transactions. Frequently asked questions: What is PDPA?
By ensuring that your personal data is kept as required by the Malaysia Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”) By ensuring that our employees / contractors are not misusing your personal data By performing contract(s) / agreement(s) with our service provider(s). Nevertheless, you are require...
This privacy notice for personal data (“Personal Data Privacy Notice”) is issued to all our valued customers and guests of Ikano Handel Sdn Bhd (“IKEA”, “us”, “we”, “our” or “ours”), pursuant to the statutory requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”)...
inaccordancewithitsprinciples. ThePersonalDataProtectionAct(PDPA)doesnotapplytoFederalandStateGovernments; non-commercialtransactions;personal,familyandhouseholdaffairs;creditreferenceagencies; personaldataprocessedoutsideofMalaysia(unlessthedataisintendedtobefurther processedinMalaysia). ThePDPAappliestopersonaldataused...
Our designated data protection officer for the purposes of compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 can be contacted at【】. Thailand By accepting this privacy policy, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to this privacy policy. If you do not ...