remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead. remote: Please see for more information. fatal: unable to access '
1 、创建token 主页面-people-点击用户-configure- add new token 添加一个token用于request的身份验证。 输入项即:TOKEN_NAME 点击生成:把生成的token值保存下来,别搞丢了。 2、配置jenkins任务 根据提示勾选远程调用触发器: 格式: JENKINS_URL/job/<你的任务名>/build?token=<刚才生成TOKEN_NAME > 这里写令牌...
在GitLab中添加个人访问令牌(Personal Access Token)的步骤如下: 登录到GitLab账号: 打开你的浏览器,访问GitLab的登录页面。 输入你的用户名和密码,然后点击登录。 进入个人设置(Profile Settings): 登录成功后,点击右上角的用户头像,选择“Settings”。 选择“访问令牌”(Access Tokens): 在左侧的设置菜单中...
6.点击 Create personal access token 按钮,创建 token。 7.生成 token 后,请一定注意将此 token 保...
Log in to your GitLab account. Go to yourProfile settings. Go toAccess tokens. Choose a name and optionally an expiry date for the token. Choose thedesired scopes. Click onCreate personal access token. Save the personal access token somewhere safe. Once you leave or refresh the page, you...
Log in to your GitLab account. Go to yourProfile settings. Go toAccess tokens. Choose a name and optionally an expiry date for the token. Choose thedesired scopes. Click onCreate personal access token. Save the personal access token somewhere safe. Once you leave or refresh the page, you...
Log in to your GitLab account. Go to yourProfile settings. Go toAccess tokens. Choose a name and optionally an expiry date for the token. Choose thedesired scopes. Click onCreate personal access token. Save the personal access token somewhere safe. Once you leave or refresh the page, you...
Log in to your GitLab account. Go to yourProfile settings. Go toAccess tokens. Choose a name and optionally an expiry date for the token. Choose thedesired scopes. Click onCreate personal access token. Save the personal access token somewhere safe. Once you leave or refresh the page, you...
在GitLab Runner中使用个人GitHub访问令牌,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 首先,您需要在GitHub上生成一个个人访问令牌。在GitHub的设置页面中,选择"Developer settings",然后选择"Personal access tokens"。点击"Generate new token"按钮,为访问令牌添加一个描述,并选择需要的权限(例如repo、admin:repo_hook等)。...
- name: Create Gitlab PAT for admin community.kubernetes.k8s: definition: apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: gitlab-create-admin-pat namespace: default spec: ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 300 template: spec: containers: - name: main image: cinaq/gitlab-personal-access-token:v0.1.0...