LA PROTECCIÒN DEL HONOR DE LA PERSONA NATURAL EN EL DELITO DE INJURIA Por Virginia Arango DurlingPanama Criminal Code protects people reputation against insults.Insults is a communication,an expression written, verbal, or gestures, that attacks honour o...
Desde Montería o Cartagena, los viajeros inician un recorrido que culmina con un trayecto en lancha cruzando el golfo de Morrosquillo hasta este enclave natural Vicky Dávila arremete contra Nicolás Petro tras declararse inocente: “Los colombianos saben cuál es la...
LA PERSPECTIVA CONSTITUCIONAL DE LA INSOLVENCIA DE PERSONA NATURAL NO COMERCIANTE, NUEVA TENDENCIA CONCURSAL Y SU APLICABILIDAD EN COLOMBIA Bankruptcy has been developed as a necessary assumption to access bankruptcy proceedings process. In Colombia these commercial procedures have been elusive... Alarcón...
Derecho de la personaderechosdignidad humanapersonalidadLanguage of Keywords: EnglishSpanishThis paper study the rights of the person since a natural perspective. Dr LETE'S point of view defends the human person dignity like the subject of the rights. All the rights and also the law must be ...
LA EVOLUCIN DEL CONCEPTO DE PERSONA EN EL DERECHO CIVIL ESPAOL: ANTROPOLOGA SUBYACENTEdoi:10.46553/prudentia.95.2023.pp.93-122PROPERTY rightsCIVIL lawFREE will & determinismANTHROPOLOGYDIGNITYThis article analyzes the evolution of the concept of person in Spanish ...
The globalisation of canon law subordinates the centrality of the already baptised Christian and, instead, prioritises the centrality of every human person created in the image of God and called to be regenerated in the baptismal waters.DOMINGO, RafaelIus Canonicum...
EL DERECHO COMO PRÁCTICA Y COMO DISCURSO. LA PERSPECTIVA DE LA PERSONA COMO GARANTÍA DE OBJETIVIDAD Y RAZONABILIDAD EN LA INTERPRETACIÓN. (Spanish).(English):This work aims to provide an understanding of both the origins and the limits of the problematic nature of legal interpretation -...
La condición de persona como fundamento del derecho en la iusfilosofía de Javier Hervada, Javier Hervadapersona humananaturaleza humanaDerecho naturalfundamento, Javier Hervadahuman personhuman natureNatural lawbasis, Artículothis article pretends in a synthetic and valorative way -and from a mainly...
LA PERSPECTIVA CONSTITUCIONAL DE LA INSOLVENCIA DE PERSONA NATURAL NO COMERCIANTE, NUEVA TENDENCIA CONCURSAL Y SU APLICABILIDAD EN COLOMBIA Bankruptcy has been developed as a necessary assumption to access bankruptcy proceedings process. In Colombia these commercial procedures have been elusive... Alarcón...
PERSECUCIN PENAL NACIONAL DEL HOMICIDIO EN PERSONA PROTEGIDA: ALCANCES Y LMITES DEL DERECHO PENAL EN CONTEXTOS DE JUSTICIA TRANSICIONALcriminal prosecutioninternational crimeshuman rights law and criminal lawhomicide of a protected personheinous crimes...