Beginning its life as a Shin Megami Tensei spin-off, the Persona series has quickly launched into something entirely of its own and become one of the biggest names in modern RPGs. From multiple major sequels and remakes to anime adaptations and even stage plays, Persona is a multimedia ...
though various Personas recur from game to game, as does the series' mainstay location "The Velvet Room" and its mysterious master Igor. Inevitably, the protagonists end up confronting the supernatural being responsible for the game's central conflict, and defeat them in combat in order to reso...
Persona 5, the latest entry in the series, was released for western audiences in the spring of last year by, and has quickly risen to the top of many fan's rankings for best Persona game yet due to its deep plot and engaging characters. Now, just about a year later, the anime ...
Persona 3 the Movie: #3 Falling Down: Directed by Keitarô Motonaga. With Nobutoshi Canna, Sanae Fuku, Hideyuki Hori, Akira Ishida. The fight of the protagonist and his group S.E.E.S. with the strange monsters called 'Shadows' is getting closer to the
This series is made exclusively for fans of the game. The pacing is inconsistent and jumpy, and the core ideas were spread out in a messy way. For someone who hasn't played Persona 5, I can't recommend the anime at all. Characters aren't given enough time do develop the emotional con...
me, it is hard not to get attached to this team.Graphically, for a game from the PS2 era, "Persona 4 Golden" looks really good, especially in the refreshed version. The colorful palette and art style are timeless, and the animations during fights and cutscenes are a joy to watch. ...
From Max Factory. From the popular anime, 'Persona 4' comes a figma of elegant, introverted girl - Yukiko Amagi! Using the smooth yet poseable joints of figma, you can act out a variety of different scenes. A flexible plastic is used for specific areas, which allows proportions to be ke...
Honestly, unless you're going for the achievements, watch the DLC on YouTube. Was this review helpful? Yes No Funny Award 13 people found this review helpful 1 person found this review funny Helix_101 28 products in account 7 reviews Recommended Posted: 13 December I know it's ...
February 20, 2020Xbox One/Series X/S, PS5, NS, Windows:October 21, 2022Persona 5 Royal, abbreviated as P5R and titled Persona 5: The Royal in Japan, is an enhanced re-release of Persona 5.The game was initially released for PlayStation 4 in Japan on October 31, 2019, followed by a...
While the Phantom Thieves celebrate Haru's success at Tokyo Destinyland, they watch in horror as Mr. Okumura suddenly collapses on live television after suffering a mental shutdown, since the Shadow self in the Palace was killed. The general public gradually believes the Phantom Thieves to be ...