An alternative is fusing Principality, who learns Tetraja, with Succubus to get Lilim, and fuse Lilim with Take-Minataka to get Lachesis. Register your Lilim in the codex before fusion, as you’ll need her again for the next rank. Strength Confidant rank 8 – Hecatoncheires with Masukunda...
the process is actually straightforward. Even better, the complexities of the fusion system aren’t necessary to make it through the game. No matter if you just want to get a grip on the mechanic or if you’re looking to unlock the most powerful...
If you are interested in completing your Persona Compendium, Persona 5 Royal Fusion Calculator plays a vital role. You can figure out your best persona that
64,245 Yen Level 53 Abaddon Level 66 Succubus, Mothman, Black Ooze, or Lilith Level 54 Mokoi, Pisaca or Mot Level 57 62,145 Yen Level 53 Cu Chulainn Level 59 Andras, Lilim, or Nebiros Level 55 Succubus, Mothman, Black Ooze or Lilith Level 54 29,556 Yen Level 53 Mot Level 57 Fort...
On 5/10, the guide indicates fusing genbu and succubus to get Kushi Mitama, presumably for the upcoming Councillor confidant, but I'm unable to because I'm level 11. Is there anything I can do now to recover or am I out of luck?If I'm totally dunked, I would maybe mention the ...
The fusion loop which gave me a low level Jack lantern with 99 in everything Fuse a loop till Pyro Jack is all 99 stats bonus: Pyro Jack + Pixie -> Bicorn Bicorn + Pixie = Silky Silky + Arsene= Succubus Succubus + Andras = Hua Po ...
19Suzaku39Mithras42Yurlungur49Horus 53Ganesha57Yatagarasu63Quetzalcoatl76★Asura LevelPersonaLevelPersonaLevelPersonaLevelPersona 37Anubis59Trumpeter64Yamata-no-Orochi74Abaddon 81↓Messiah82Shiva87Michael90↓Messiah Picaro 92★Satan Unused data forMasakado,Atavaka,Alilat,Helel,Kartikeya,Yatsufusa,Hachiman,Alra...
7 Succubus 12 Onmoraki 16↓ Kaguya 18 Black Ooze 24 Sui-Ki 25↓ Kaguya Picaro 33 Mothman 43 Girimehkala 50↓ Tsukiyomi 55↓ Tsukiyomi Picaro 60 Lilith 70 Byakhee 75★ Sandalphon Sun[] Level Persona Level Persona Level Persona Level Persona 19 Suzaku 34 Thunderbird 39 Mithras 43 ...
Any answer to question 5 (+2) Lovers Rank 2. Solve the crossword puzzle downstairs: the answer is “Malaise” Knowledge +1; Go to the Velvet Room in Shibuya Central Street and fuse Genbu and Succubus to get Kushi Mitama (Councillor, 12); If you are not following the fusion path you...
The Strength Confidant unlocks on 5/18 when the Jailer Twins make their first fusion request to the Protagonist. After you max out the confidant, you can fuse for the ultimate persona,Zaou-Gongen. Confidant Availability (Both Versions)