《女神异闻录5 乱战:魅影攻手》(PERSONA5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers,简称P5S)是Atlus与光荣特库摩游戏合作製作的无双类RPG游戏,已於2020年2月20日在PS4、Nintendo Switch平台上发售,繁体中文版将于2020年6月18日发售。剧情设计上承接无印版结尾,本作常被视为是《女神异闻录5》的正统续篇故事。 女神异...
由《女神异闻录5》衍生出的作品还有由Atlus與KT合作製作的无双類RPG遊戲《女神异闻录5 乱战:魅影攻手》(日语:ペルソナ5スクランブル ザ・ファントムストライカーズ;英语:Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers,簡稱P5S)於2020年2月20日在PS4、Nintendo Switch平台上發售,繁体中文版于2020年6月18日...
This police following the Phantom Thieves during this cutscene is possibly an allusion to the game's sequel, Persona 5 Strikers. In a post-credits scene, the protagonist will see his Phantom Thief outfit as his reflection on the glass before it returns to normal after he removes his glasses...
The Persona universe has games represented throughout the Super Smash Bros. series with a total of 9 games, and 11 if it includes the Megami Tensei franchise. The latest game represented in this universe is Persona 5 Strikers, released on February 20, 2020. ...
Big Bang Burger has been rebranded to "Big Burger"[57] Untouchable's sign is unlit or changed to no longer be a neon sign.[58] The 705 Department Store first seen in Persona 5 Strikers is now changed to "709 Department Store"External...
Guide on how to defeat False God Demiurge, the Tree of Knowledge final boss, in Persona 5 Strikers or Persona 5 Scramble (P5S). This includes the boss enemy's strengths and weaknesses, stats and skills, and recommended battle strategies. Guide on How to Defeat False God Demiurge in ...
Persona -trinity soul- Expand Persona 4 Expand Persona 4 Arena Expand Persona 4: Dancing All Night Expand Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth Expand Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Expand Persona 5 Expand Persona 5 Strikers Expand Persona 5 Tactica...
Up Next:A Hound of Hades Howls Previous Persona Battles Next A Hound of Hades Howls Top Guide Sections Walkthrough Requests Dire Shadows Recipes Was this guide helpful? In This Guide Persona 5 Strikers Omega ForceFeb 23, 2021
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth Expand Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Expand Persona 5 Expand Persona 5 Strikers Expand Persona 5 Tactica Expand Persona 5: The Phantom X Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
Megami Tensei Wiki 13,136 pages Explore Megami Tensei franchise Database Navigation Community in: Mechanics, Persona, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, and 11 more Ultimate Persona Edit Yu Narukami's ultimate Persona, Izanagi-no-Okami.An ultimate Persona (最強ペルソナ, Saikyou Perusona)? or advanced...