Yoshizawa is one of the new Confidants the protagonist can hang out with. Her Arcana is the new, unnumbered Faith. Her Confidant abilities allow ambush from a distance with a grappling hook, and help the group avoid being surrounded by enemies when they're attacked. The protagonist can also...
In order to achieve the true ending, you’ll need to reach Confidant rank 9 with Maruki by 11/18, rank 8 with Akechi by 11/24, and rank 5 with Yoshizawa by 12/18. You’ll also need to refuse every offer presented to you in your third semester. Without spoiling anything, you’ll ...
Overview and guide about Yusuke Kitagawa, the Emperor Confidant or Social Link, in Persona 5 Royal. Included also are the confidant's availability, abilities, and dialogue choices.
Best: Kasumi Yoshizawa - Faith Confidant in Persona 5 Similar to Takuto Maruki, building Kasumi is vital for unlocking extra content in the later parts of the game. Players will need to have her Confidant rank reach 5 beforeDecember 18th to unlock the third semester. She also comes along wit...
(maybe even romantic) bond with Yoshizawa, gifts are the way to this girl's heart. Despite being a ‘minor’ character, she has a worthwhile relationship plot of her own, which includes full Confidant cooperation and romance. Here are thebest Kasumi gifts inPersona 5 Royalthat players can ...
If you unlockPersona 5 Royal’s true ending, you get an extra month to work on Haru’s Confidant, so it’s worth getting to knowMaruki,Akechi, andKasumi Yoshizawaearlier in the year. As with all Confidants in Persona 5 Royal, you can, and should, boost your relationship with Haru faste...
Persona 5 Royal gifts are the best way to deepen your Confidant relationships fast. These are the best gifts for each Confidant
Kasumi Yoshizawa, the gymnast who's just transferred to Shujin Academy (and is exclusive to P5R). By clicking the names above, you'll be taken to our guides for how to improve your Confidant levels with each individual romance option in Persona 5 Royal. ...
The main story remains the same, although there are new characters, interactions, places to visit, and activities to take part in that weren’t in the original release. Mysterious gymnast Kasumi Yoshizawa is a new playable character that not only brings a new confidant to meet and level up ...
Kasumi Yoshizawa is one of the exclusive characters to the Royal version of Persona 5. This guide will show players how they can romance her.