3、为斗牛士、黑骑士、巴比伦大好人、湿婆、毗湿奴、别西卜、梅塔特隆等原版面具添加了专属技能,原版高级面具大幅增强 二周目撒旦耶尔增加主动技能“大罪穿甲弹”和被动技能“反抗之心”(被动效果为所有技能必定命中,可继承) 4、原版部分隐藏被动技能修改为可继承(暴击伤害up、全体攻击伤害up、weak伤害up等 5、队友技...
5、原版部分隐藏被动技能修改为可继承(暴击伤害up、全体攻击伤害up、weak伤害up等) 6、队友技能树改版,队友现在更加强力了,每次觉醒都能学到新的技能,如果已经超过等级可以去教堂忏悔习得 7、印象空间最深处复刻了真女神转生5的人修罗战、灵魂骇客2的湿婆帕尔瓦蒂战、 灵魂骇客2的阿尔达战,还增加了创毘挑战,因为...
Download Persona 5 Royal Switch NSP ROM for Nintendo New Handheld Console, a Role Playing game Developed by SEGA.
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In other words, utterly useless if you wanted a file to actually "play" NG+...and I saw the compendium for the first time almost 5h into the playthrough, which makes the misleading mod description all the more a real dick move.And less than 5% of "all items"...really only the ...
If you are interested in completing your Persona Compendium, Persona 5 Royal Fusion Calculator plays a vital role. You can figure out your best persona that
P5R-Mod-Menu Compatible with all 5 Languages of the EUR Release of Persona 5 Royal Custom scripts for Persona 5 Royal that replace the square button function with a fully featured trainer Notable Features Add Personas, add skills to any party member's currently equipped Persona, delete all Pers...
Persona 3 Reload: Persona 5 Royal Persona Set 2 contains additional content that allows you to use Personas from Persona 5 Royal. This set includes 9 Personas: - Persona 5 Protagonist's Persona "Satanael" - Ryuji Sakamoto's Persona "Seiten Taisei" - Morgana's Persona "Merc...
Graphic design is my passion... A Persona 5 Royal (Switch) (P5RS) Sound Mod in the Other/Misc category, submitted by Zerron21