The representative of the beliefs of Royal are embodied by the new character Sumire Yoshizawa, who emphasizes on putting effort into achieving the dreams one desires. At first, she is introduced under the false name and identity "Kasumi Yoshizawa," who in direct comparison to the protagonist is...
Download the Persona 5 The Royal Kasumi Yoshizawa Persona Series Costume Pack and add some style to your Phantom Thief activities! Whether you're a Persona fan or a newcomer to the series, this pack is fun for everyone! In order to play with this additional content, it is necessary to fir...
Kasumi Yoshizawa might be a brand new character forPersona 5 Royal, but this sweet gymnast has won the hearts of gamers across the world. With her swinging red long ponytail and her athletic nature, it's no wonder why this is the case. ...
Kasumi Yoshizawa is one of the characters players can romance inPersona 5 Royal. This guide will show players how.Persona 5 Royalis both a turn-based RPG adventure and a life-sim. What players do while they explore Palaces and the Metaverse has a direct effect on what happens in the real...
Kasumi Yoshizawa Kasumi is an athletic girl enrolling Shujin Academy at the same time as Joker. She is known for her background as an award-winning rhythmic gymnast, and Shujin’s administration has high hopes for her future. See more
Persona 3 Reload: Persona 5 Royal Persona Set 1 contains additional content that allows you to use Personas from Persona 5 Royal. This set includes 9 Personas: - Persona 5 Protagonist's Persona "Arsène" - Ryuji Sakamoto's Persona "Captain Kidd" -
Kasumi Yoshizawa Romance Overview Persona 5 Royalhas so many things on offer for players amid dozens of hours of content, and it wouldn’t be a JRPG if you couldn’t date several of your friends along the way. In Persona 5, dating is entirely optional, but there are a handful of charac...
Full name:Kasumi Yoshizawa Voice Actor:Laura Post Kasumi is a transfer student who enrolls at Shujin Academy at the same time as the protagonist. Because she’s been an award-winning gymnast since middle school, Shujin Academy has high hopes for her future. ...
The Royalwill feature a new third semester, along with new events involving daily school life and the Phantom Thieves. It will feature the addition of two new characters. Kasumi Yoshizawa (Voice: Sora Amamiya) A beautiful girl who enters Shujin Academy the same spring that the protagonist transf...
Perhaps most notably, though, this trailer also gives us a look at the newest Phantom Thief in Persona 5 Royal, that of Kasumi Yoshizawa. Kasumi is an all-new character in Royal that wasn't in the original game and is a first-year student at the same school that the game's main ...