The representative of the beliefs of Royal are embodied by the new character Sumire Yoshizawa, who emphasizes on putting effort into achieving the dreams one desires. At first, she is introduced under the false name and identity "Kasumi Yoshizawa," who in direct comparison to the protagonist is...
Sadayo Kawakami, the Temperance Confidant in Persona 5 Royal ADVERTISEMENT Sadayo Kawakami is theProtagonist‘s homeroom teacher. At first, she appears to be cold. She did this because of the alleged problem of student status theProtagonisthas. However, after he stands up to Kamoshida, she becom...
gifts are the way to this girl's heart. Despite being a ‘minor’ character, she has a worthwhile relationship plot of her own, which includes full Confidant cooperation and romance. Here are thebest Kasumi gifts inPersona 5 Royalthat
Best: Kasumi Yoshizawa - Faith Confidant in Persona 5 Similar to Takuto Maruki, building Kasumi is vital for unlocking extra content in the later parts of the game. Players will need to have her Confidant rank reach 5 beforeDecember 18th to unlock the third semester. She also comes along wit...
If you unlockPersona 5 Royal’s true ending, you get an extra month to work on Haru’s Confidant, so it’s worth getting to knowMaruki,Akechi, andKasumi Yoshizawaearlier in the year. As with all Confidants in Persona 5 Royal, you can, and should, boost your relationship with Haru faste...
Kasumi Yoshizawa, the gymnast who's just transferred to Shujin Academy (and is exclusive to P5R). By clicking the names above, you'll be taken to our guides for how to improve your Confidant levels with each individual romance option in Persona 5 Royal. ...
Kasumi Yoshizawa, a first year at Shujin, walks around with a bow in her hair, and I've been told she's a playable character who brings a new Confidant (the social links you build up by spending time with another character, for perks and story benefits). You're also supposed to be ...
Confidants- Usable for unlocking confidant abilities during the battle in Palace/Mementos. Unfortunately this will not evolve your Persona if you set the rank value to max.(Caution: Use at your own risk when you try Kasumi, Akechi or Maruki before the Royal playthrough) ...
The main story remains the same, although there are new characters, interactions, places to visit, and activities to take part in that weren’t in the original release. Mysterious gymnast Kasumi Yoshizawa is a new playable character that not only brings a new confidant to meet and level up ...
Kasumi Confidant Rank Meeting Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 1 I’m so done with this Next time then Impressive 2 Making bento It looks delicious Is that all for you 3 You’re looking to buy? Of course Good choice We’ll work at it together 4 It’s...