BACK TO Persona 5 Royal GUIDE Protagonist Guides ■ Protagonist Guides ├Daily Activities ├Part-Time Jobs ├Room Activities ├Books ├Hangout Spots ├Crafting Infiltration Tools ├Laundromat and Dirty Equipment ├Large Shelf and Desk Decorations ...
If you dont care about room decorations you technically dont need to be with every girl, if you ever get to a point where you dont have enough points to rank up you can visit Chihaya and ask for an affinity reading (it gives +3 points). There are big problems with it though:1st: ...
As of update 3.0.1, Thieves Den itself returns only the decoration that are placed down do give bonuses, whereas in Persona 5 Royal, the decorations were just cosmetic. In both locations, any party members the player has (both true thief and phantom idol) can be summoned. [38] As of ...
inPersona 5, you’ll be facingtwoVelvet Room attendants at once: Caroline and Justine. To challenge the Twins, all you need to do is head down to Mementos (as soon as it’s accessible) and speak to Caroline, who will now be standing alongside ...
All ultimate Personas from Persona 3, Persona 4, and Persona 5 appear in Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. Special Screenings number 42 through 45 each yield a Sooty Film on completion, which the party brings to Elizabeth to initiate a fight with one of the Velvet Room attendants. When ...
List of crossword puzzle answers in Persona 5 Royal, including the specific dates they will be appear in Café LeBlanc's innermost booth.
(从选择艺术品和画框开始,在你的画廊墙上使用)”指出艺术品和画框可以用来装饰画廊的墙壁,设空处承上启下,下文“Mirrors, hanging decorations or decorative plates can all be hung on the walls, too. (镜子、悬挂装饰品或装饰板也可以挂在墙上)”指出镜子、悬挂装饰品或装饰板也可以用来装饰画廊墙,所以对于...
Head east and then, north to reach another circular area leading to the second square room. Pick the right square room stationed by the Corporobo MDL-DM (Light Blue). Speak to the Corporobo and select “Sorry.” and “The chief director.” Then, choose to attack. ...
Overview and guide about Shinya Oda, the Tower Confidant or Social Link, in Persona 5 Royal. Included also are the confidant's availability, abilities, and dialogue choices.
Guide for Raoul, a DLC Persona, in Persona 5 Royal (P5R). Included are Persona's stats, skills, skill affinities, strengths, weaknesses, itemization, and more.