Streamline your design process with this fully customizable User Persona Template in Figma! Whether you're working on a mobile app, website, or any UX/UI project, user personas are essential to understand your target audience and their needs. This templa
I’m a huge fan of icons and illustrations,especially on infographics. These little visual helpers allow you to add context and information rather effectively. Plus, people are relatively familiar with icons, so there is no learning curve. Because of that, they can also be used on a persona ...
which she developed, to understand how real customers approach purchases to solve problems. The 5 Rings are not prescribed questions, but rather a framework for gaining relevant information that when combined with the basic buyer profile provide a three-dimensional understanding of the buyer. Here ar...
Simple Persona Pro currently has 14 widgetized areas(Sidebar) they are 1. Sidebar, 2. Footer Area 1, 3. Footer Area 2, 4. Footer Area 3, 5. Footer Area 4, 6. Instagram, 7. WooCommerce Sidebar, 8.404 Page Not Found Content, 9. Optional Homepage Sidebar, 10. Optional Archive Sidebar,...
These dpi are intended to be used for specific purposes, like generating multiple sizes of assets/icons for apps or serving multiple images sizes in webpages for different resolution devices. If you keep up the default value (72dpi) you should get the size you are expecting. Old habit. I...
Auser personais the collection of files and settings unique to an individual user, such as the Windows user profile, desktop settings, Office documents, pictures, icons, internet shortcuts and user-installed applications. If this data set isn't handled properly and efficiently, the...
You can, of course, arrange the Android home screen icons anyway you want. However, Work apps show up last in the app drawer (after all your personal stuff). We've never once wanted sorting options in the app drawer other than "alphabetical," but now we're thinking ...