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Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on TelegramShare on WhatsappShare on Reddit Get back into action with the Phantom Thieves, asPersona 5 Strikersis now available to play for select pre-orders. Fans whopre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Editioncan play the game now, ahead of its 23rd Februar...
Post category:Anime / Currently Covering / Persona 5: The Animation Reading time:5 mins read Berry’s Impression Hey, I found best girl! <333 Things are certainly starting to move along now. In some ways, I felt like this episode did a lot better than the first one though ther...
To its credit, everything does open up quicker inRelaodthan inPersona 5. Done and Dusted Persona 3 Reloadrecreates one of the most iconic JRPGs with the knowledge accumulated over the last 17 years. The original paved the way for the series to evolve into what it is today. Although it ...
Persona 5takes an entirely different tack with its high-energy opening. In many ways,Persona 5 Royalis the game that diehard fans will want to show the unconvinced, and its intro is a great example of how to start something off with a bang. The visuals, music, and instant...
So you’ve just finished all 80-100 hours of gameplay inPersona 5. You’re watching the credits scroll on by as you gradually begin to feel a sense of emptiness, and longing for more of thePersona 5experience. You ask yourself, “I’ve finally finished this game. Now what?” I’ve ...
Persona 5 10 Most Popular Female Protagonists In The Persona Series, According To Reddit Out of each of the mainline numbered titles in the Persona series, here are some of the most popular female characters according to Reddit. By Anastasia Wilds Jul 8, 2022 Shin Megami Tensei: Persona ...
If you’re familiar with theJujutsu KaisenManga or anime series, thenSatoru Gojomay be a name that rings a bell. Though this character has an undeniable personality and strength, he is also one of the most controversial figures within the JJK universe. ...
i don't know how to put in to words how happy i am that this turnBASED KINO has made a higher score on steam than final fantasy remake (95% p3r vs 89% remake (also known as demake or redditmake)). square enix will be forced to listen because another 10/10 has just wiped the...
Side B isPersona 5: Dancing in Starlightwhich swaps out the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad for the Phantom Thieves. Here, the soundtrack is jazzy, with Ann Takamaki and Futaba Sakura cavorting to remixed jams like “Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There” and “Last Surprise”. Largely...