Persona 4: Directed by Katsura Hashino, Jinya Kitsui, Susumu Nishizawa. With Daisuke Namikawa, Shôtarô Morikubo, Yui Horie, Ami Koshimizu. A high school student forms a group that explores a hidden world accessible through TV sets to find a connect
Intriguing story in the style of Persona 4, but less humour and group chemistry. Waiting for episode #27... Persona 4 anime was hilarious, full of wink-wink anime gags, and interesting side characters. Persona 5 is heavier on suspense and serious, realistic crime story tone, and it took...
Persona 3 in its full glory cannot be played outside of the PlayStation 2. Persona 4 got the much beloved ‘Golden’ release on the PlayStation Vita and later on modern consoles and Persona 5 never had that problem to begin with. Persona 3 Portable arrived onto current generation...
at night. It features an upbeat piano melody interlaced with Azumi Takahashi’s beautiful vocals and Lotus Juice’s nostalgic lyrics of teenagers wishing for fun-filled nights to never end. The latter plays whenever players trigger an advantage on enemies. It mirrors the normal battle theme,Mass...
the English lyrics and clarity are much improved, and the additional tracks it added are great as well. The gameplay improvements were welcome to me as well, despite going against the original vision for the characters acting independently, the system is a lot better functionally than relying on...
keeping things moving and never letting you get bogged down as you go through the motions of what could otherwise feel like pretty similar battles. And just like watching each of them take an Evoker shot straight to the dome to cast spells, I never got tired of seeing my party’s persona...
8. Kimi no Kioku - (already here) View the entire collection here --> Kimi no Kioku (Memories of You) – Persona 3 – Shoji Meguro Credits ...
Doesn’t get more real than that. You know? Do you ever think about having to explain some of your more sexual lyrics to your future kids?Absolutely. And I’m prepared for it. At the end of the day, it’s my art. And that’s who Daddy was. Coat, $9,900, and shirt, $550,...
Translated lyrics on this opening track include “Someone like me ain't good enough for music, someone like me ain't good enough for the truth,” providing fans with the kind of personal intimacy that other teen-friendly acts rarely deliver, especially with music this polished. Both ...
Lyrics: Benjamin Franklin Composer & Arranger: Shoji Meguro 14 "SNOWFLAKES -powder snow mix-" Singer: Shihoko Hirata Lyrics: Benjamin Franklin Composer: Shoji Meguro Arranger: Atsushi Kitajoh People who viewed this also viewed Persona4 Original Soundtrack (2008) ...