Of the 143994 characters on Anime Characters Database, 22 are from the video game Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.
Persona 4 Wiki Top Pages this Week Contrarian King 1 Izanagi 2 Sukukaja 3 Yukiko's Castle 4 Yosuke Hanamura 5AdvertisementPersona 4 Wiki 721 pages Explore Community Arcanas Personas Characters Home View source Welcome to Persona 4 WikiThe wiki about Persona 4 that anyone can edit! 721 articles...
The cast of Persona 4.See also: List of Persona 4 CharactersA majority of the characters are high school students attending Yasogami High School. Playable CharactersThe protagonist: The silent protagonist of the game. He recently moved to live in Inaba with his uncle and cousin, after his ...
The recovery can be so long that some characters can whiff some moves through Yosuke, but still recover fast enough to Counter Hit him. The duration is twice as long as the C version (~10 seconds), so it can be used in neutral for some extra offensive edge, but beware of opponents ...
The party splits into two to explore, but all six characters battle against the boss. They are defeated the first try and return to the real world, confronting their shadows once again and giving the speeches they gave at the end of their social links, Teddie being an exception who doesn...
The gameplay in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is still that of a fighting game. However, substantial changes to characters and the system have been made from Persona 4 Arena. A 1.10 Patch was eventually released as well for both arcade and console versions. More custom announcers for both arcade ...
Megami Tensei Wiki Others Like You Viewed Ultimate Persona Arsène Satanael Philemon Sumire Yoshizawa 2 Makoto Yuki 3 Goro Akechi 4 List of Persona 5 Characters 5 List ofPersona 2: Innocent SinPersonas List ofPersona 2: Eternal PunishmentPersonas ...
Persona 5 Royal, like Persona 4 Golden before, offers third-tier Personas. During the awakening process, the character's initial and ultimate Personas fuse together. All third-tier Personas are named after either the original names of the fictional characters their initial Personas represent or the...
FromShin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Media Typevideo game Voiced ByYui Horie, 堀江由衣, ほりえ ゆい Tagsschool uniform,sweater,tomboy PersonalityBoyish,Charismatic,Cheerful,Quirky EN Voice ActorDanielle Judovits Favorite foodSteak WeaponGreaves
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