游戏名称:女神异闻录4 终极竞技场2 英文名称:Persona 4 - The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold / Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 游戏类型:格斗类 游戏版本 : 日版PSN 游戏制作:Arc System Works 游戏发行:Atlus 游戏平台:ps3 游戏大小:12gb 发售时间:2014-09-30 游戏语言:日文 游戏ID:【 游戏介绍】 故事接续前作之后...
Of course, this is a remarkably different experience than the RPG series that spawned it. Ultimax, like the original Persona 4 Arena, is a fighting game developed by Arc System Works, the group behind the beautifully rendered Guilty Gear series. Their prowess with spritework shines here in Per...
I think everyone was surprised to get their hands on the original Persona 4 Arena when it was released in 2012. The excellent pedigree of Atlus and Arcsys in their respective genres brought on a seemingly untoppleable mountain of expectations, but they effortlessly met them and in some ways,...
"Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold." Yeah, try asking your parents for that for your birthday. This game boasts 8 new characters in comparison to its predecessor, as well as more balance between the fighters. And, of course, this is a continuation of the story from the lastArena...
PS4《女神异闻录4 午夜斗技场2 Persona 4 Arena Ultimax》中文版是女神异闻录系列推出的一款2D动作格斗游戏,如今这款游戏终于移植到了switch平台上,对这款游戏感兴趣的玩家不要错过。 《女神异闻录4 终极竞技场2》是《女神异闻录4:竞技场》的续作,其中加入了几处新的变化,包括新的Persona卡技能,新的战士Rise...
Bleak but Brilliant; This Week, the Walking Dead Lurches on to PS3 and Persona 4 Arena: Limited Edition Shines on Xbox 360. Meanwhile, the Horror Continues as the House of the Dead Livens Things Up on iOS. We InvestigateThe Walking Dead Platform: PS3. Price: PS26.00 IT'S amazing to ...