3 Koromaru 哈迪斯之犬:对一个敌人造成严重的暗属性伤害,同时忽视其抗性。第二神术能力:为所有盟友提供增益效果,使下一次物理攻击造成的伤害超过两倍。如何恢复活力:利用敌人的弱点 尽管在塔塔罗斯(Tartarus)的前几层,暗影通常对其他元素比较脆弱,因此暗影和光明攻击并不是特别有用,但它们在后期变得非常重要,...
在《Persona 3 Reload》中,你会遇到一个强大的影子——秩序巨人,它位于Tziah Block。没有了解它的弱点以及它能够用来对付你的能力,很难战胜这个强大的影子。本指南将向你展示如何轻松击败秩序巨人。在《Persona 3 Reload》中如何找到Order Giant 为了找到Order Giant的影子,你需要访问《Persona 3 Reload》的Tarta...
地点:塔耳塔罗斯(Tartarus)除了艾吉丝和柯罗玛鲁之外,对所有人而言 “Hanzo的凉鞋”这个名字可能是对日本文化中著名忍者Hattori Hanzo的致敬。在《Persona 3 Reload》中,这些鞋子只能在Tartarus中找到,和大多数最终关卡鞋子一样,闪避率设定为100。虽然附加了一个奖励属性,因为这些鞋子会在战斗开始时提高所有人的...
Color Your Night 3:47 Deep Breath Deep Breath -Reload- 2:56 Master of Shadow -Reload- 2:30 ポロニアンモール -Reload- 1:16 The Meaning of Armbands 1:01 tartarus_0d02 1:09 嫌な予感 1:01 Fearful Experience 2:11 Calamity 1:53 ...
The action in this game is SO well done and makes the dozens of hours you'll spend in Tartarus way more enjoyable.The characters are so well written. I found myself genuinely interested in their lives and stories, whether it was learning about them through combat/cutscene dialogue, or ...
Persona 3 Reload: 审判之剑的弱点 Tartarus的Tziah区块是《Persona 3 Reload》上层区域的一部分。在这个区域,你将遭遇困难的楼层BOSS,以及通过具有强大能力的单体门潜伏的敌人。即使这些敌人单独出现,他们也可能有一些手段来迷惑你。在这些一元之门内,你可以找到审判之剑的BOSS。这个敌人有一些弱点,你可以利用它们...
29 - Deep Mentality -Reload- 03:42 30 - It’s Going Down Now 03:07 31 - The Path is Open 01:16 32 - The Path Was Closed 00:44 33 - Changing Seasons -Reload- 03:16 34 - Basement 03:24 35 - Master of Tartarus -Reload- ...
Dive into the Dark Hour and awaken the depths of your heart. Persona 3 Reload is a captivating reimagining of the genre-defining RPG, reborn for the modern era with cutting-edge graphics and gameplay.
the most popular entries in the franchise – Persona 3.Persona 3 Reloadpreserves the story and characters from the 2006 original and gives the visuals a shiny new coat of paint. To help prepare you for your exciting adventures in Tartarus, let’s meet the characters you’ll be adventuring ...
The graphics are incredible, especially in Tartarus with the exception of when you're in cutscenes with unnamed or lesser characters, who they don't bother to render, and in many of the places around town where the people are like faceless silhouettes - this being said, when compared to ...