We are now reaching the final stretch of Persona 3’s story, and surprisingly, there’s a lot of free time to be had in these months since most of your Social Links and personality stat requirements should be done at this point. The SEES member hangouts should also be finished by this ...
There is a no rank up hang out with Chihaya on 07/26 that we need to do because there is not enough points to get to rank4 even with Clotho+all answers. That hang out alone gives a +3 bonus which is more than enough even if you missed a thing or two.You will have to ...
Royalis the latest baroque adjective fixed to aPersonagame.Persona 3 FESremixedPersona 3and added an epilogue whilePersona 4 Goldenembraced its moment and dramatically enhancedPersona 4’sbeloved ambience. By now, one should expect an enhanced rendition of every numberedPersonatitle and, as the firs...