As such, here is thelist of questionsyou’ll come across while playing throughPersona3 Reloadand theanswersyou need to give. All school questions and answers inPersona 3 Reload April 4/8:Among these phrases, ‘a rain of flowers,’‘mystical mirage,’ and ‘vivid carp streamers,’ which one...
When you aren’t dealing with terrifying monsters and trying to save the world inPersona 3 Reload,you will instead be taking your morning classes and eventually taking part in exams. Recommended Videos The first big exam season you come across takes place from May 18 to May 23. When you re...
Persona 3 Reloadbrings many historical and mythological names from the past back to life. One of the more prominent figures in Germanic mythology is Siegfried, the dragon-slaying legend himself, and you can summon him into your party if you have the right Personas. Recommended Videos Fusing Sieg...
InPersona 3 Reload, Chihiro Fushimi is the treasurer of the Gekkoukan High School student council. He represents the Justice Arcana, which includes Angel, Principality, and Power among its various Personas. Chihiro can almost always be found standing outside the student council room. Recommended Vi...
The best way to improve your character’s Charm inPersona 3 Reloadisthrough the activities you can choose to do after school and before you visit Tartarus. You have to balance picking which you want to do as they advance time and progress the main story. ...
If you thought history class was difficult inPersona 3 Reload, just wait for 4/27, and your first math lesson with Ms. Miyahara. If you can’t tell the difference between an algebraic spiral and a pseudo-spiral just by looking at them, you’re going to need help. ...
If you need Gold Quartz inPersona 3 Reload,you’re close to the end of the game. First of all, well done; I know it wasn’t easy. To get you ready for the final boss and finish a few final requests, you need to get Gold Quartz. ...
InPersona 3 Reload, quest #8 on Elizabeth’s long list of requests is “Experiment with fortune telling.” To complete this quest, you need to make use of the “Rarity Fortune” that increases the appearances of rare Shadows. And to do that, you need to go to Club Escapade. ...
Persona 3 Reload’sSocial Links are grindy at the worst of times, but Maya’s Hermit Social Link has to be one of the worst. You can only make progress on certain days, and the grind is fairly slow compared to other Social Links—but you need to do it if you want to max them all...
Youautomatically unlock Kenji Tomochika’s Social Linkat the beginning ofPersona 3 Reload.When you unlock him, the game provides a brief tutorial on how Social Links work, and what you should expect to do for every character who has one during your playthrough. ...