The Dark Hour serves as the battleground for combat in Persona 3 Reload. The primary setting for the action is Tartarus, a tower that manifests during this eerie period. Here, players take charge of leading S.E.E.S. through the numerous floors of the tower. Throughout this ascent, they ...
But what I think Persona 3 Reload does best is that it brings one of my favourite Persona games to a new audience and excels at it. The visuals are gorgeous, the pacing isn’t overtly stretched out, the combat is fun and fluid, and the story is still great. Anyone can get in on ...
[strong 9 - perfect 10] this is my first time playing anything from the persona series, and i am anything but disappointed. persona 3 reload has beautiful graphics and one of the greatest storylines of any game i have ever played. just press play. trust me. ...
I’ve never been a fan of romance options in RPGs because the mechanics behind them are usually so transparent that it kills any sense of immersion, particularly when the options feel overly binary. So far,Persona 3 Reloadhas kept the two storylines that seem to be heading towards romance f...