Persona is a RPG series set in modern-day Japan that is acclaimed for its narrative style of confronting everyday realities such as forging friendships and romances, alongside supernatural and paranormal themes, including uncovering and solving mysterious rumors and various urban legends. The series ty...
Persona is a RPG series set in modern-day Japan that is acclaimed for its narrative style of confronting everyday realities such as forging friendships and romances, alongside supernatural and paranormal themes, including uncovering and solving mysterious rumors and various urban legends. The series ty...
1 player Remote Play supported Blood, Language, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Violence Ratings Persona 3 Portable Global player ratings 1959 ratings 76% 15% 4% 1% Experience the iconic, critically acclaimed RPG that reinvented the Persona series, Persona 3 Portable, now newly remastered for modern...
Blood, Sexual Themes, Partial Nudity, Violence, Language Gallery This content is locked Description Experience the iconic, critically acclaimed RPG that reinvented the Persona series, Persona 3 Portable, now newly remastered for modern platforms. Shortly after transferring to Gekkoukan High School, the...
1 player Remote Play supported Strong Themes, Strong Violence Ratings Persona 3 Portable Global player ratings 4.62Average rating 4.62 stars out of 5 stars from 1937 ratings 1937 ratings 76% 16% 4% 1% 3% Experience the iconic, critically acclaimed RPG that reinvented the Persona series, Persona ...
Themes Japan, Supernatural Series PersonaPersonaContents [e] Availability [+]Monetization [+]Game data Video Input [+]Audio [+]Other information System requirements Notes ReferencesPersona 3 Portable is a singleplayer cinematic camera and isometric JRPG game developed by P-Studio, ported by ...
be seen, but I’ve got a new buddy in Yuko from the track team I haven’t seen before. There’s also a few songs that are different in this version (RIPTime, you were the GOAT of school themes). These factors have madePersona 3 Reloadfeel totally new while comfortably familiar to ...
Persona 3 Reload - 8 Tips To Make The Most of Your Time Here are X tips that will help you make the most of your time in Persona 3 Reload. Show me more Average Rating 11 Rating(s) 7.2 Mature Blood, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence ...
The Persona Collection includes Persona 5 Royal, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 3 Portable. Persona 5 Royal Don the mask and join the Phantom Thieves of Hearts as they stage grand heists, infiltrate the minds of the corrupt, and make them change their ways! Prepare for the award-winning RPG...
After-hour hangouts are new toReloadand a welcome way to circumvent one of this remake’s biggest omissions: its missing protagonist. One ofPersona 3 Portable’s selling points was the option to play as a female hero, who came with completely different Social Links from the original’s male...