Atlus确认FeMC不会出现在《Persona 3 Reload》中 Midori也一再表示,Atlus并没有计划将《Persona 3 Portable》中的女性主角带到《Reload》中。这一说法现已得到Wada的证实,他告诉《Famitsu》,由于相关开发挑战“太高”,因此排除Kotone的重制是一个艰难但必要的决定。为了澄清,Portable的“FeMC”路线不仅包括一个...
【中文字幕】P3就是这样的 Persona 3 in a Nutshell 汐见理Unofficial 02:37 【Harry Type-C】女神异闻录Persona5 P3P女主哈姆子模组 greyleonce 03:01 为了救前辈只能这样了... —— Persona 3 Portable 某科学的机 02:01 躲闪导致顺平被打中的屑哈姆子 狂热...
【中文字幕】为什么哈姆子是最棒的二次元老婆 Persona 3 FEMC Is Waifu Material 3.0万 361 40:04 App 【中文字幕】P3就是这样的 2 Persona 3 in a Nutshell 2 2.9万 176 16:49 App 【中文字幕】P3就是这样的 Persona 3 in a Nutshell 14.9万 371 05:00 App 【中文字幕】P系列角色锐评他们自己 Perso...
P3R FeMC P..最近在研究搞P3R女主线模组的文字修改会尽快出视频教程诚邀:有虚幻模组经验,能熟练使用Fmodel者英文熟练者会魔法,方便使用DC者最重要的是,喜欢P3R和哈姆子的加入!本人组织的KOOK:https
During regular days/schooldays you have the option to do numerous side activities such as social links, that is basically meeting new people, getting to know them and create bonds that lasts, but they also help you gain much more powerful personas in the Velvet Room. ...
Persona 3 Reload is a project that was conceived as a remake of the original Persona 3 for current platforms, therefore it does not include the additional story scenario that was added in FES or the female protagonist from Portable. However this does not mean that elements added to ...
Persona 3 Reload is a phenomenal remake of the original Persona 3. While it does not have as much content as FES or Portable and Kotone Shiomi (FeMC from Portable) is exempt from this game, the game is amazing. The combat feels smooth and satisfying, the graphics look phenomenal for a...
...Persona 3 Portable? You know, the game that actually had a choice between a male or female MC? Had some unique social links if you go the female route? Was actually as important male MC since they are pretty much one and the same? I mean it just sounds like you want a P2 re...
Would be interesting to see if they keep it as a straight remake or mold it to current Persona standards with social links and whatnot. Quote: Originally Posted by Dextro There will be no FeMC in the near future. The leaker who leaked this DLC and other various Atlus releases prior, ...
Complete restoration of Beta FeMC found in the 2015 build of the game, we will give that beautiful character the love and care she deserves, and more if we can !... A Persona 5 Royal (PC) (P5R (PC)) Project in the Other/Misc category, submitted by Hayth_