Originally released on the PlayStation Portable in 2010, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable is an updated version of the original PS2 title. Players take on the role of a new protagonist who arrives in Iwatodai and soon discovers he is awake during a mysterious hour that exists between ...
Well it turns out that gun is known as an Evoker, a magical device that is used to summon spiritual creatures from within certain people called Personas. These Persona users are among a select few who stay awake during a hidden hour called "The Dark Hour", where you and your party have...
Even with some downsizing, Persona 3 Portable manages to be an incredible port of one the PlayStation 2's best role-playing games. Best of all, it adds enough new content to warrant a second look for anybody who played through the game years ago. This is the most compelling role-playing...
Is Hoping for the Female Protagonist in Persona 3 Reload a Lost Cause? Although the long-awaited remake of Persona 3 is finally here, the female protagonist of Persona 3 Portable is nowhere to be seen. Is there any hope Atlus adds the young lady in Persona 3 Reload as DLC or otherwise...
The next Persona game to receive a PSP re-release would be Persona 3, which released asPersona 3 Portablein November 2009. In stark contrast to the original, the game swaps out its 3D environments in favor of visual light novel-inspired title screens during social interactions. ...
The best boy, a beautiful white dog with a gorgeous coat, Koromaru is just absolutely adorable and instantly makes Persona 3 Portable a top-tier JRPG. Even though he’s a dog, Koromaru is weirdly smart and helps the SEES crew many times on their journey. ...
Each of the protagonist's Theurgy Attacks requires two specific personas that team up to perform a special attack. While there were significantly more Theurgy Attacks, or Fusion Skills, in Persona 3 Portable, many were removed from the original game as part of the changes for Persona 3 Reload...
“Memento Mori” is the driving force that pushes the narrative. But through exploring death, players equally explore life. I will not spoil the story of this game, but I will say that the themes and lessons learned in my experience playingPersona 3 Portablestill stick with me. Playing the...
Persona 3, FES, orPortable? Rather than a remake of the originalPersona 3, a remake ofPersona 3 FEScould be even more successful.FESadded a new difficulty, extra personas, extra quests, as well as 30 hours of new content. This new content is in the form of The Answer, an extra que...
Similar to otherPersonagames, Reload shares the common issue of taking some time for the game to fully open up. Given my experience withPortableandFES, I could efficiently skip through much of the introduction and dive straight into the game. However, even with this approach, it still took ...