Characters: Protagonist, Junpei, Akihiko, and Ken How to Unlock: Finish Elizabeth’s request “Fusion Series #4: Lovers, Titania” Summer Uniform Female Characters: Yukari, Mitsuru, and Fuuka How to Unlock: Finish Gekkoukan Elizabeth’s request “Let Me Hear Music” Tuxedo Characters: Junpei an...
Lovers Arcana Rise Kujikawa Ishtar, the Goddess of Love Signed Photo Chariot Arcana Chie Satonaka Futsunushi, the Divine Sword Wristbands Justice Arcana Nanako Dojima Sraosha, the Scourge of Evil Family Picture Hermit Arcana Fox Ongyo-Ki, the Shadow Dweller Gratitude Ema Fortune Arcana Naoto ...
Only reason I played this for myself is because it was on sale for $45.00 one day and I didn't one the old version; either than that only real Persona lovers should buy this for that price. Also for those who are thinking about getting this game still but have the portable version,...
Step 3: Defeat the Final Boss and watch the Ending After everything else is done, all that’s left is to climb the last few floors of Tartarus, and defeat the Final Boss. After defeating the Final Boss, you can enjoy spending time with your Social Links one last time, then head home...
For example, after defeating Shadow Yukiko, a boss called "Contrarian King" will eventually appear. The party can defeat these bosses to receive valuable equipment. The Tired ailment that limited the time the party could spend in the dungeons in Persona 3 is removed, though this is balanced ...
Request #62 Fusion Series #4: Lovers,Titania Task: Have a Titania with the skill Matarukaja, in your possession and report to Elizabeth. Solution: Fusion Recipe: Mishaguji with Tarukaja + Parvati = Titania with Matarukaja. Reward: Male Uniform (S) ...
When you finally get to your hotel at the end of the day, you end up on Shirukawa Boulevard. The Seaside Clam-Shell Hotel is the location of Persona 3's fourth full moon shadow battle with Arcana Hierophant and Arcana Lovers. sell ...
Pixie (Lovers)(Exploit Gun, Ice, and Curse weaknesses) Jack-o’-Lantern (Magician)(Exploit Ice and Wind weaknesses) Defeat the mid-boss: Bicorn “Dirty Two-Horned Beast” (Hermit)(Exploit Elec weakness) Leave the Jail and return to the real world ...
Other Boss Guides Social Links or Confidants ▼All P5 and P5R Confidants by Arcana Igor (Fool)Morgana (Magician)Makoto Niijima (Priestess) Haru Okumura (Empress)Yusuke Kitagawa (Emperor)Sojiro Sakura (Hierophant) Ann Takamaki (Lovers)Ryuji Sakamoto (Chariot)Goro Akechi (Justice) ...
Remember that you can check Special Enemies for information about boss fights; Lovers Rank 1; Speak with the Punk-rock Woman in Leblanc; Magician Rank 1. 04/16Sat Today, one of your teachers will throw chalk at you. It is based on RNG and your Proficiency Rank if you dodge it or get...