During the awakening process, the character's initial and ultimate Personas fuse together. All third-tier Personas are named after either the original names of the fictional characters their initial Personas represent or the historical basis for the same. In order to trigger the evolution of any...
level it up to Level 15 to learn Confusion Boost and Pulinpa. Then, fuse Onmoraki with any desired persona. Since you can always farm on the Easy difficulty, it is recommended you select a persona with higher Luck to maximize your gains. If not, select whatever you are comfortable with...
Maxing out his Confidant unlocks the fusion of Odin. The player will also receive an item from him near the end of the game which will unlock the ability to replicate Skill Cards once Yusuke's Confidant is unlocked in New Game Plus. His special hangout event happens when you take him to...
During the fusion tutorial the guide says to fuse Arsene and Pixie into Agathion, passing on Eiha and Zio. However, I only have one available slot for passing on abilities. Did I do something wrong at some point? I notice the guide says (Chariot, 3). My Chariot confidant is only at ...
you should be able to fuse down into the persona. It is recommended to try to reach Chariot Confidant Rank 7 to get the “Insta-Kill” ability that allows you to acquire your desired persona without worrying about negotiating. You also do not need any DLC personas for the trophy. The fol...