🤟🤓👇 2-1 154 女神异闻录3FES 汉化正式版发布【杰克霜精汉化组】 Notify 在经过3.31~4.30号这一个月的公测之后,我们进一步修正了游戏ROM中的一些问题,现在放出正式版下载链接。 神の到来 2-4 28 【自购CD】[181219]PERSONA Q2 NEW CINEMA LABYRINTH原声集 初音未来 饼藏0227 2-20 32 ...
This version of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 for the PSP is an upgraded remake of the original game. The option to play as a female protagonist has been introduced, along with various alternate social links and minor story adjustments. These additions come on top of the numerous fighting sy...