People live in a 3D world. However, existing works on person re-identification (re-id) mostly consider the representation learning in a 2D space, intrinsically limiting the understanding of people. In this work, we address this limitation by exploring the prior knowledge of the 3D body structure...
Awesome Person Re-ID 3D/MM/Vison Language Reserach for Person Re-ID using methods correalted with 3D or something about Multi-Modality (Multi View, Diffussion, Text-to-Image...) 主要 主要收集Re-ID中与3D、Vision Language等多模态相关的文章,持续更新中... 原github地址
layumi/person-reid-3d master BranchesTags Code README MIT license Person Re-id in the 3D Space [Pdf][Code][中文解读] Thanks for your attention. In this repo, we provide the code for the paper[Parameter-Efficient Person Re-identification in the 3D Space ], published at IEEE Transactions ...
gan matconvnet image-retrieval person-reidentification re-id person-recognition person-re-identification iccv2017 person-reid Updated Jun 29, 2021 Cuda layumi / person-reid-3d Star 267 Code Issues Pull requests TNNLS'22 🗽 Parameter-Efficient Person Re-identification in the 3D Space 🗽 ...
论文列出了Person Re-ID必要性和面临的几个痛点问题: 必要性:公共安全和日益增长的监控摄像头数量使得行人重识别在学术研究领域意义重大,而在应用领域则有非常重要的实用性。 行人重识别面临的几个痛点问题: 图像分辨率低、光照变化、行人姿态变化、目标物遮挡、异构模态、摄像头拍摄环境复杂、背景杂乱、置信度不高...
A prominent task in visual surveillance is that of matchingpeople between disjoint camera views, or re-identification. This allows operators to locate peopleof interest, to track people across cameras and can be used as a precursory step to multi-cameraactivity analysis. However, due to the ...
Person Re-ID 全称是 Person Re-Identification,又称为 行人重检测 or 行人再识别,是利用计算机视觉技术判断图像或者视频序列中是否存在特定行人的技术,指通过穿着、体态、发型等在不确定的场景中能够再次识别是同一个人,并以此描绘出个体行进轨迹的AI视觉技术。给定一张切好块的行人图像 (query image,), 从一...
网易互娱AI Lab从美团、加州大学伯克利分校、复旦大学等来自工业界和学术界的强队中脱颖而出,一举斩获人体重识别(Person Re-ID)竞赛的冠军。这是网易互娱AI Lab在3D视觉、语音、自然语言处理、游戏AI等领域夺得多项国际冠军后,再次登顶国际AI竞赛,彰显了网易互娱AI Lab在人工智能领域的综合实力。
网易互娱AI Lab从蚂蚁集团、美团、加州大学伯克利分校、复旦大学等来自工业界和学术界的强队中脱颖而出,一举斩获人体再识别(Person Re-ID)竞赛的冠军。这是网易互娱AI Lab在3D视觉、语音、自然语言处理、游戏AI等领域夺得多项国际冠军后,再次登顶国际AI竞赛,彰显了网易互娱AI Lab在人工智能领域的综合实力。
Person re-identification (ReID) aims to find the person of interest across multiple non-overlapping cameras. It is considered an essential step for person tracking applications which is vital for surveillance. Person ReID could be investigated either usi