Here you have some of the blog articles that we have created toLearn Spanish for our Berlitz students: A dedicated guide to help you learn the Spanish alphabet quickly Read the article Gender in Spanish: An easy guide to masculine & feminine ...
Spanish / Español Select a language: caveman [ˈkeɪvmæn]N(cavemen (pl)) 1.(Anthropology) →hombremde lascavernas,cavernícolam,trogloditam; (more loosely) →hombremprehistórico 2.(aggressively masculine) →machotem Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 ...
In the China traditional culture education masculine and feminine elements five line of philosophic thinking, the Confucianist ethics morality, the Chinese medicine nutrition conserve one's health the theory, but also the literacy art achievement, the diet esthetic prevailing custom, under the natio[tra...
Select the third-person-singular, masculine pronoun: A. her B. he C. our 2 not attemptedSelect the third-person-singular, feminine pronoun: A. she B. they C. Annie 3 not attemptedSelect the third-person-plural noun: A. dogs B. lion C. they 4 not attemptedSelect the third...
MIP Manejo Integrado de Plagas (Spanish: Integrated Pest Management) MIP Maximum Intensity Projection MIP Monthly Income Plan MIP Multimedia Information Processing (course; various locations) MIP Managers in Partnership (trade union; UK) MIP Managing Intellectual Property (monthly magazine) MIP Mapping In...
屠格涅夫把他们塑造成多余人的形象,也是对那些已经完成了自己的历史使命的贵族知识分子作 Turgenef has the strong pessimism thought, his love story unfolds, is human's infinite hope and the life forever cannot find the significance.His love story finished by the tragedy, to in masculine social ...
‘However, they left the heart in place; thedead personwould need it. —Pero ellos dejaban dentroelcorazón;el muertolo necesitaba. Literature The sensation was indeed very like that of having adead personin the house. Lasensación era muy similar alade tener una personamuertaenlacasa. ...
For example, High Valyrian — since it is the ancient language of scholarship and liturgy — has appropriately mystical labels in its grammar. Instead of nouns being assigned a masculine or feminine gender, as languages like Spanish and French do, they can be lunar, solar, aquatic or ...
Coptic [2] has a crosslinguistically unremarkable set of independent person markers, which distinguish singular and plural number in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd persons, and masculine and feminine gender in the singular 2nd and 3rd persons, as shown in Table 2. Such systems are common in Afroasiatic la...
This work explores the coupling of person-split nominative objects with anomalous subjects (Jahnsson’s Rule (JR), Person-Case Constraint (PCC)). In B