Learn the correct usage of "the person in charge" and "a person in charge" in English. Discover differences, examples, alternatives and tips for choosing the right phrase.
person in charge的意思是负责人或主管人员。以下是 1. 基本词义解释:“person in charge”的字面意思为“负责人”。在日常工作中,这个短语常常用来描述某个项目、部门或组织的领导者或管理者。2. 实际应用场景:在办公室、企业或政府部门的语境中,“person in charge&rdq...
Hang in the secondperson in chargeat Academic Hodgkin told reporters. 杭二中分校教务处负责人何杰告诉记者. 互联网 I'm transferring your call to theperson in charge. 我正在把电话转给负责人. 互联网 The room key should be returned to the person - in - charge upon leaving. ...
personincharge 负责人() 主管() the person in charge 主掌 the person in-charge 经手人 例子: person in charge of pack animals— 驭手 person in overall charge— 总务 也可见: in person— 亲 · 亲身副 · 本人 · 躬亲 in charge—
解析 person in charge[法] 主管人,代表; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How can the person in charge of assessing wall street firms not have the tools to understand them?怎么可能一个负责评估华尔街企业的人却不具备理解他们的能力?结果一 题目 person in charge什么意思 答案 person in charge[法] 主管...
person in charge [法] 主管人,代表 [例句]The person in charge of advertising at an osaka ,japan ,department store either doesn 't speak english or wanted to play a little prank on unsuspecting shoppers.日本大阪这家百货公司的广告负责人要么就是不会讲英语,要么就是想玩玩儿恶作剧,恶搞一下不知情...
person in charge 【法】 主管人, 代表 person in charge of the project 工程主持人 in person ad. 1.亲自,亲身 in the person of 以…资格,代表…;名叫…,体现在… the person n.人身 person to person adv.个人对个人地 on charge of 被指控 in charge adv.主管,看管,在...看管下 ...
在这些条目还发现'person in charge': 在英文解释里: administrator-chief-controller-director-esteemed leader-handler-master-presiding officer-second in command-stockman 中文: 总管 标题中含有单词 'person in charge' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“person in charge”的讨论 ...
在国际物流行业中,Person in Charge指的是具体负责操作人员。这个术语通常用来描述某个物流过程中的责任人,即负责协调、掌控和管理整个物流供应链运作的人员。 在国际物流中,一个专业的Person in Charge不仅需要具备高超的物流管理技能和经验,还需要具备出色的沟通协调能力,以确保货物准确可靠地在各个环节流转,从而完成...
person in charge [法] 主管人,代表 [例句]The person in charge of advertising at an osaka ,japan ,department store either doesn 't speak english or wanted to play a little prank on unsuspecting shoppers.日本大阪这家百货公司的广告负责人要么就是不会讲英语,要么就是想玩玩儿恶作剧,恶搞一下不知情...