Medical Financial Encyclopedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. handicapped person- a person who has some condition that markedly restricts their ability to function physically or mentally or socially individual,mortal,person,somebody,someone,soul- a human being; ...
5. Purposes of collecting, holding, using and disclosing Personal Data (a) Collect from you only Where it is reasonable or practical to do so we will only collect Personal Data about you from you directly. (b) Purposes of collecting Personal Data We will only collect Personal Data that is...
OED 提供了19世纪的一般解释,即 persona 与拉丁语 personare “通过声音传递”有关(即面具作为通过声音说话并可能放大声音的物品),“但长音 o 造成了困难……”。Klein 和 Barnhart 认为它可能是从伊特鲁里亚语 phersu “面具”借来的。De Vaan 没有这个词条。
locking someone up, but also not allowing someone to leave a locality or using threats to restrict the liberty of person are also within the scope of the law, underscoring the suggested definitions above. Other acts of unlawful restriction of personal freedom, are elsewhere covered by the ...
A single NSDictionary instance stores a single address, with the dictionary keys and values holding different parts of the address:C# Copy // Address from: NSDictionary address = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys( new NSObject[]{ ...
guardian is someone who takes care of a young person legitimately after completing the relevant legal procedures, so he is someone with the legal right. 我當時也考慮了很久,亦曾詢問處理這些邊緣青年的社工,他的答覆 是,當然,監護人便是名正言順照料有關青年 人 ,已 完成 法律 程序 ...
A trespass to try title was a form of action to recover possession of real property from someone who was not entitled to it. This action "tried title" so that the court could order possession for the person who turned out to be the rightful owner. These common-law forms of action had ...
Ray, when someone asks you if you’re a God, you say YES! -Winston Zeddemore, Ghostbusters I said yes. I mean, I could point to years of relevant experience, effectively being the project manager was part of my role when in management due to the fact that Silicon Valley hates people ...
aI am looking for someone who is willing and ready to work on and establish a romantic relationship based on mutual respect and commitment and a woman who has similar interests. And who is natural at living, sharing and loving humanity. 我正在寻找愿意和准备工作和建立根据相互尊敬的一个浪漫关系...
Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: AddressBook Assembly: Xamarin.iOS.dll NSDictionary keys for use with ABPerson instant message services. C# 複製 [ObjCRuntime.Deprecated(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.None, "Use the 'Contacts' API instead.")] ...