Person-centred Counselling in a Nutshell 作者:Casemore, Roger (EDT) 出版社:Sage Pubns 页数:109 定价:209.00元 装帧:Pap ISBN:9781412907675 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 我要写书评 Person-centred Counselling in a Nutshell的书评 ···(全部 0 条)
Chemene Victoria Game - Self - Person Centred Counselling , Counsellor, Shefford, SG17, 01462 419195, Whether you're and adult or young person experiencing a difficult time in your life. Struggling with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem. Coping with d
Rennie, D (1998) Person-Centred Counselling. An Experiential Approach SAGE Publications. London, 2004Rennie, David (1998) Person-Centred Counselling. An Experiential Approach SAGE Publications. London, 2004Rennie DL. Person-centred counselling, an experiential approach. London: Sage Publications; 1998....
Further Reading on Person-Centred Counselling Ourannotated bibliographyincludes pointers to additional reading on this and other therapeutic approaches.Mearns and Thorne (1999)provide a very readable account of person-centred counselling, whileRogers (1961)is a much more in-depth collection of papers.Bar...
Jo Phillips Counselling is a counselling practice based in Leeds which offers in person, telephone and zoom counselling. Therapy here is tailored to suit individual needs and is available for a range of issues including but not limited to bereavement, pr
当当上海外文书店旗舰店在线销售正版《预订Skills in Person-Centred Counselling & Psychotherapy》。最新《预订Skills in Person-Centred Counselling & Psychotherapy》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购《预订Skills in Person-Centred C
Understanding congruence in person-centred counselling practice: A trainee counsellor's perspective After reviewing the role of personal meaning in the literature, the paper presents a psychological model of meaning-centred counselling. As an extension of logotherapy, the model is a hybrid resulting from...
测测专业申请成功率 Person - Centred Counselling (Children, Young People and Adults) 以人为中心的咨询(儿童、青年和成人) 学位类型:Msc 专业方向:社会科学与管理 所属学校:University of Aberdeen(阿伯丁大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
Person-centred Counselling in Action的书评 ···(全部 6 条) 热门最新好友只看本版本的评论 光2012-03-08 01:52:21重庆大学出版社2010版 付出时间,是唯一的捷径。 两天的时间,无法停下,几乎一口气读完。而合上书时,是深夜一点半。无法抑制内心的动荡,我将语无伦次地倾吐一番。 几乎在所有心理学书籍里,...
默恩斯,索恩,迈克李欧刘毅 - 以人为中心心理咨询实践 : Person-centred counselling in action 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling In this Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling , we have aimed to capture this person-centred spirit, integr...