Services are developing a range of approaches to deliver this care with a lack of tools to guide implementation. Methodology A scoping review and critical examination of current policy, key literature and NHS guidelines, together with stakeholder involvement led to the identification of domains, ...
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is often cited as a possible solution to current issues faced by healthcare systems. This includes the freeing up of time for doctors and facilitating person-centred doctor-patient relationships. However, given the novelty of artificial intelligence tools, there is very ...
Abbreviations PKU: Phenylketonuria NSPKU: National Society for Phenylketonuria HCPs: Health care professionals PAH: Phenylalanine hydroxylase Phe: Phenylalanine NHS: National Health Service UK: United Kingdom IMD: Inherited metabolic disorder BH4: Tetrahydrobiopterin ...
Person-centred care (PCC) is the recommended model of dementia care however there are challenges regarding how care staff implement PCC principles in practice. Life story work is one way for care staff to enact the principles of PCC in a structured way with people living with dementia. Life ...
Person-centred experiential therapy (PCET) training within a UK NHS IAPT service: experiences of selected counsellors in the PRaCTICED trial*Counselling for Depressionperson-centred experiential therapycounsellorstrainingWe investigated the experiences of 10 counsellors undergoing training in a form of ...
Training staff in person-centred approaches has been found to be effective in improving the delivery of person-centred care [19, 20]. However, whilst effective person-centred care training can produce immediate practice benefits, evidence suggests that alone it might not sustain change over time [...
Practice presented during the Steering Group on Promotion and Prevention marketplace workshop on “digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care” best practices on 12–13 December 2018 in the premises of the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy. Mask Study Group J Bousquet1-3, PW Hellin...
New models of care in practice: person-centred community care, hospital admission reduction, integrationNew models of care in practice: person-centred community care, hospital admission reduction, integrationdoi:10.12968/bjha.2017.11.10.513Nhs ProvidersMA...
Many patients find critical care admissions stressful, and subsequently survivors can experience psychological symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder and cognitive impairment. Modifiable risk factors for these...