Person-centred care (PCC) is defined as the health-care providers selecting and delivering interventions or treatments that are respectful of and responsive to the characteristics, needs, preferences and values of the individual person. This model of care puts the person at the centre of care ...
healthcare policyhealthcare providersIJPCMperson‐centred healthcare researchphilosophyOur aim is to investigate differences between European health care systems in the importance attached by patients to different aspects of doctor-patient communication and the GPs' performance of these aspects, both being ...
Person Centred Software is a market leader in care management software and provider of the UK’s most widely used digital care system.
Person-centred medicine is recommended in the care of older patients. Yet, involvement of care home residents and relatives in medication processes remains limited in routine care. Therefore, we aimed to develop a complex intervention focusing on residen
People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) must self-manage their illness to assist with slowing disease-progression, but this is a complex task requiring support from healthcare professionals. Despite the established importance of person-centred care, people with CKD are rarely consulted regarding their...
护理帮助caresafeCare以提供有效的 系统标签: carecentredsafedelivering护理person Deliveringsa e,e ective, person-centredcare ScottishAmbulanceService AnnualReportandAccounts2011/2012 03AnnualReportandAccounts11/12 Contents: 6.7 Theaverageresponse timeorlie-threatening emergencieshasimprovedto minutesacross Scotland...
Although person- and family-centered care has been conceptually embraced within these delivery models, it is not always achieved in everyday practice. Families often feel marginalized or ignored in health care encounters; they are simultaneously excluded from treatment decisions and care planning while ...
In the health care sector, person-centred treatment approaches have shown the potential to improve treatment outcomes and quality of life of patients. In particular, this applies where patients are living with complex conditions like multimorbid older patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or ...
Discover what person-centred care is, how we deliver it at Care UK and why it is so important.
For some healthcare professionals, the source of such values is patient-centered care1 because 'The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease'.2 However, critics of patient-centered care view this model as less a solution than a problem ...