Smith et al. (2000) have proposed evidence-based guidelines for patient-centred communication. Their approach has been adapted in this book for providing behaviour change support. In the interest of simplicity, our adaptation has been coined ABCD, as it encompasses four sequential stages, detailed ...
Person-centred medicine is recommended in the care of older patients. Yet, involvement of care home residents and relatives in medication processes remains limited in routine care. Therefore, we aimed to develop a complex intervention focusing on residen
Briefly, the intervention aimed to operationalise person-centred ethics into action by safeguarding the relational aspects of personhood in care relying on an evidence-based PCC approach [4, 18]. The support was designed to facilitate partnership between professionals and patients and also the ...
Consequently, following optimisation of the in-person intervention and research processes, rather than conducting a pilot RCT, we adopted a pragmatic approach and, having secured agreement from the funder, adapted HEADS: UP for online delivery. We then tested HEADS: UP Online (intervention; ...
also carried out a study regarding an innovative approach to produce customised drug delivery systems using FDM 3D printing. This work produced a multi-functional drug delivery system, which is a solid dosage form loaded with nano-sized carriers. The possibility of fabricating solid dosage form ...