For the acute-diarrhea trials, diarrhea was defined as 3 or 4 loose stools (depending on the original trial definition) in a 24-h period. The final day of diarrhea was defined as the last day meeting the above definition followed by 48 h without diarrhea. For the persistent-diarrhea trials...
constipation was defined as fewer than 3 spontaneous bowel movements per week or straining, with lumpy hard stools (Bristol scale 1–2); and diarrhea was defined as increased frequency (>3 stools/day) or decreased consistency (loose or liquid stools, Bristol scale 6–7) of bowel movements fo...
(including loose stools and liquid stools); nausea and vomiting (including feeling and being sick); taste and smell disorders (including ageusia, dysgeusia, anosmia and altered taste and smell); and abdominal pain (including stomach ache/pain). We estimated the pooled prevalence for each symptom...