胚胎学发育 子左上腔静脉(LSVC) ,也称永存左上腔静脉,在正常胚胎发育中,左前主静脉逐渐闭塞,而右侧前主静脉与Cuvier管发育形成上腔静脉。如两侧前主静脉交通支发育障碍, Cuvier管发育,则形成永存左上腔静脉,是最常见的体循环静脉畸形,占心血管病的2%-4%。多引流入冠狀静脉窦,可合并其他先天畸形。 正常胎儿期静...
First described in the literature by Edwards and DuShane in 1950, the persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) is the most common venous anomaly of the thorax affecting 0.5% to 2% of the general population and up to 10% of patients with congenital abnormalities of the heart.1 Persistence ...
www.med126.com|基于25个网页 3. 左侧上腔静脉残存 ...(图1),而少部分人的左侧上腔则是独立存在的,称为左侧上腔静脉残存(persistent left superior vena cava)。 blog.sina.com.cn|基于13个网页 更多释义
Left Superior Vena Cava (LSVCendocavitary catheterThe variations on the venous system's conformation are closely related with the embryological development, due to atrophy or persistency of embryological connections that this system establishes for its final formation. During a routine dissection of a ...
6) plica of left vena cava 左腔静脉襞补充资料:肠腔静脉分流术 肠腔静脉分流术 mesocaval shunt 于肠系膜上静脉主干或外科干与下腔静脉之间建立通道,使门静脉血流经肠系膜上静脉分流入下腔静脉,达到降低门脉压力的手术。有肠腔静脉侧-侧、端-侧分流,“H”桥式、“C”形分流等手术方式。手术操作较简单,...
We present a case of pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) placement through the right internal jugular vein, bridging vein and coronary sinus in a patient with previously unrecognized persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC) and diminutive right superior vena cava. A 61-year-old ma...
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iodinatedcontrast throughanIVcatheterintheleftupperextremityveinconfirmed thediagnosisofPLSVCdrainingintothecoronarysinus. Next,iodinatedcontrastwasinjectedthroughanIVcatheter intherightupperextremityvein.Thisconfirmedthattheright subclavianveinemptiedintotheleftsuperiorvenacava, affirmingtheabsenceofRSVC.Thiswasnotedin...
The article focuses on a 54-year-old man with absent right superior vena cava (SVC) and persistent left SVC. It states that this diagnosis was confirmed on computed tomography (CT) with upper-extremity and cranial veins draining into the coronary sinus via the persistent left SVC. It mentions...
Persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) is a benign vascular anomaly that complicates pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) lead imp... Yuval Konstantino*, Jairo Kusniec, Ronit Shohat-Zabarski, Alexander Battler and Boris Strasberg - Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and...