For the last 11 weeks there hasn't been a day where I haven't had a runny nose. It's not as bad as when I actually have a cold, and I don't seem to have any other symptoms of the common cold (no cough or sneezing). It just bothers me. Around the same time when I started...
The most common symptoms are fatigue, dry cough, muscle/joint pain, sore throat, headache, and runny nose; reported by over 25% of participant who had (n = 121) or did not have (n = 23,636) COVID-19 during the study period. The cumulative incidence of moderate/severe symp...
result of mucus ‘tickling’ the back of the throat. In contrast, a cough is not common in hay fever where the mucus is expelled through the nose (‘runny nose’). If the mucus in post nasal drip enters the lower airways and settles in the lungs, the cough may be productive or wet...
and functional health were related to the severity and persistence of 23 COVID-19-related symptoms experienced between March 2020 and questionnaire completion.#The most common symptoms are fatigue, dry cough, muscle/joint pain, sore throat, headache, and runny nose; reported by over 25% of part...
Any episode of runny/blocked nose or cough in the absence of other respiratory symptoms (no tachypnoea, difficulty breathing, wheeze, or rattly chest) was classified as an upper respiratory illness. LRI Episodes that were associated with wheeze or rattly chest and/or evidence of respiratory distr...
A chronic sore throat may be accompanied by other signs and symptoms : Changes in the voice, especially hoarseness. Painful swallowing (odynophagia). Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) Chronic coughorconstant clearing of the throat. Acid Reflux ...
These AEs included headache, nausea, increased cough, dry skin, and altered taste. There were no serious AEs judged as related to study medication. Vital signs, electrocardiograms, and clinical laboratory parameters did not reveal any clinically significant changes or apparent trends resulting from ...
and asthma since the age of 18 years was studied. He complained of nasal obstruction, sneezing, cough, rhinorrhea and moderate dyspnea. He occasionally visited local ear-nose-throat clinics for his nasal symptoms, but gained only periodic symptom relief. The patient was treated with acupuncture, ...
Common cold, an acute, self-limiting upper respiratory infection (URI), usually lasts for 7 to 10 days with major symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever, headache and fatigue. Since virus is the pathogen in most cases, the condition will disappear with proper care. ...
A total of 55 subjects (56%) experienced acute respiratory symptoms typical of NO2-poisoning (i.e. cough, chest pain and shortness of breath during or within 48 h of exposure) compared to 4 (7%) in a reference group who had been playing ice hockey in other arenas. It was concluded...