方法1的实现其实没有什么神奇之处,就是用Open SQL SELECT COUNT(*)来取得一张表的数据个数。 如果我们使用的ABAP Netweaver底层数据库用的是SAP HANA,那么有一张元数据表M_TABLES,存放了所有表的元数据。 看个例子: 下面一条SQL语句,可以轻松获得表COMM_PRODUCT和TADIR的条目数: SELECT * FROM M_TABLES WHERE...
CONCATENATE cv_value lv_time INTO cv_value SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf. endmethod. ENDCLASS. When you create extension field, choose "Not defined" as Field type, and choose the entry maintained in step1 as "Render/Validate As": Click Enable Expert Mode and assign one data...
The ICM is a component of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server. It is implemented as a separate process, which is started and monitored by the ABAP dispatcher. 即ICM作为沟通的桥梁,确保Netweaver应用服务器和外界能够通过HTTP,HTTPS等协议交互。ICM是Netweaver应用服务器的一个组件,作为一个单独的工作进程,...