Insert a Dog into the database. Retrieve the list of dogs. Update a Dog in the database. Delete a Dog from the database. 1. Add the dependencies dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter sqflite: path: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. Define the Dog data model. class Dog { final int id; final ...
Flutter apps can make use of the SQLite databases via thesqfliteplugin available on pub. This recipe demonstrates the basics of usingsqfliteto insert, read, update, and remove data about various Dogs! If you are new to SQLite and SQL statements, please review theSQLite Tutorial siteto learn t...
The SQLite database we’ll use in this Flutter tutorial is a persistent data store that preserves the data even after the application is closed. That means everything we store in the database will stick around even if the user restarts the application or the device itself. In this guide, ...