One of his first acts was to make peace with Byzantium, the latter agreeing to pay a large contribution towards the fortification of the Caucasian passes. In addition to strengthening the Caucasus, Chosroes also sought to fortify the northeastern frontier of his empire by constructing a great ...
In this contribution, we move our attention to hyperarid regions - and in particular to a large region centered on the Arabian Peninsula, Persia and Eastern Africa - where precipitation events are highly sporadic and scattered in space... M. Godoy,P. Marpu,M Chiesa,... - EGU General Assem...
peace but which is frequently a prime site of racism and its attendant inequities. As a piece of trauma and survival literature, Esther’s scroll makes a valuable contribution to the repertoire of resilience and resistance curated by many Black individuals and communities to counter anti-Black ...
While the Sultan of Persia is fighting a war in a foreign country, his Grand Vizier Jaffar orchestrates a coup d'état. His way to the throne lies through the Sultan's lovely daughter. Jaffar kidnaps her and threatens to kill her if she refuses to marry.
The fall of the Tang Dynasty in the early 10th century gave a great influence to the trade on the Silk Road.Since then,the Silk Road was on its downhill.The Silk Road made a great contribution to the trade between the East and the West at that time.It is one of...
The Persians, on incorporating the Lydian kingdom into their empire, took the monetary custom and imposed it throughout all their State. That is to say, they spread the use of money throughout all of the Near East. In this way they made a great contribution to commercial development; the...
s greatest archaeological sites that many Iranians are proud of especially for the reign of Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great. With no doubt, their most magnificent legacy is Persepolis. This empire’s biggest contribution to the world was treating everyone equally, making little or no ...
The King and the Prince of Persia are besieging the Maharajah's castle to plunder the treasures hidden inside. In order to impress his father, the Prince sneaks inside to recover the magical Dagger of Time. He quickly learns that this dagger has the...
In addition, Waterfield discusses the importance of the sea to the Greek mindset and its significance in the Greek perception of "home," providing a context for Xenophon's most famous line "the sea, the sea!" Finally, Waterfield makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing discussion of the ...
a towering windbreak that has grown to the height of the center of the blue sky can be seen at the end of the garden corridor.One of the oldest gardens in Iran, Dolat Abad Garden is more than 260 years old and is well-known around the world. The 6.4-hectare garden has signs of ...