Although Iran’s president, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, said in 1959 that his nation might be referred to as either Persia or Iran, it is still referred to as Iran. The majority of people still refer to the country simply as Iran, despite a second name change in 1979 when Iran became the Is...
in modern Persian Fars, and in Arabic Fars, or Faris) was originally the name of a province in Media, but afterwards—i.e., towards the beginning of the fifth century B.C.—it became the general name of the whole country formerly comprising Media, Susiana, Elam, and even Mesopotamia. ...
The study of legal theory (fiqh), the purview of the mujtahids, became the primary field of scholarship in the Shiʿi world, and the rise of the mujtahids as a distinctive body signaled the development of a politically conscious and influential religious class not previously seen in Islamic...
Over time, Airyana Vaeja became Airan-Vej, then Eran-Vej or Airan-Vej (the Parthians and Sassanians had a slightly different pronunciation), then Eran or Airan, and finally Iran. Location of Ancient Iran While we do not know the precise location of the originl Aryan homeland, Airyan...
The name Persia probably literally meansLand Of The Horses, but because the horse became known as "one hoofed" and then simply as "a hoof" and the hoof in turn began to be known mostly for its cloven variety of domesticated cattle, the name Persia in Hebrew adopted the additional meaning...
Underground believers As a member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard he witnessed appalling human rights abuses that caused him to question his faith in Islam and the current regime. He became a CIA spy and later escaped to the West. His contacts on the ground in Tehran tell him Islam’s days...
Shāpūr II was the 10th king of the Sāsānian Empire of Persia, who withstood Roman strength by astute military strategy and diplomacy and brought the empire to the zenith of its power. The name Shāpūr, meaning “son of a king,” was common in the S
But the rule of the caliphs soon became merely nominal, and ambitious governors, or other aspiring individuals, established independent principalities in various parts of the country. Many of these dynasties were transitory, others lasted for centuries, and created extensive and powerful empires. The...
From Zoroastrian fire temples to the fabled bazaars of Aladdin and an ancient magical storybook that became Iran's national myth, this second episode in the series reveals how the country has proudly held onto its Persian identity, art and literature to this day. 8.2/10Rate Top-rated Mon, ...
Around 1661, Sweden became the first European country to make paper money. Until 1850, the Spanish dollar was the coin most widely used throughout the world.1What is the best title for this passage? A. The history of money B. How people traded in the past C. The invention of paper ...