It reminds me of God’s miracle working power, and how He hears and answers when we pray. I hope that it will be a blessing for you today too! My youngest sister was getting married, and the wedding took place just before I was scheduled to have surgery. It was a beautiful wedding...
Note as well that in pursuing our particular “PPE” we’re also tapping into the important theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. When you turn away from God in despair, love's opposite passion, hatred, comes far too easily. Likewise, there is a poisonously seductive temptation to...
I could write even more about this topic but I hope I’ve helped this long overview. Being a parent of a medically fragile child is hard. The sacrifices you make and the journey you take are at times hard to swallow. It’s not easy to quarantine your child and home for a weeks at ...
I hope that no matter what 2021 brings, mistakes I will make, dumb things I might do, regrettable words I might say, countless times I might whine, and circumstances I have no control over, that one thing will remain constant: FAITH. How is that possible, you ask? And what does any ...
Perhaps I have swung way over to the other direction with this numbers thing,but hey, when your average mile pacejust happensto be 10:10 reminding you of that verse in John about God’s overflowing abundant plans for your lifeANDa runner friend brings up precisely the same verse that day,...