In sky lore, the hero Perseus holds the head of the Medusa, a snakehaired monster of Greek mythology. The Demon Star, Algol, represents the monster's eye. Nearby, about 2掳 east of brilliant Algol, lies a real monster, an active galaxy that dominates the Perseus Galaxy Cluster. If our...
Perseus decapitates the Gorgon Medusa. The hero wears a chiton, winged cap and high boots, and holds a sickle-shaped blade (harpe) in his hand. The Gorgon's head rests in a round sack (kibisis) slung across his shoulder. Medusa lies behind him, beheaded with blood flowing from the raw...
Perseus was one of the most celebrated heroes of Greek mythology. King Polydectes commanded he fetch the head of Medusa. With the help of the gods, Perseus obtained winged sandals, an invisible helm and a magical sword. He then sought out the ancient Gra
Free Essay: In the poem Perseus by Robert Hayden, Medusa is seen through the eyes of Perseus as he witnesses her daunting features. In the beginning of the...
Then Perseus promised; and the giant said: “When you come back with the head of Medusa, you shall show me the beautiful horror; that I may lose my feeling and my breathing, and become a stone forever; for it is weary labor for me to hold the heavens and the earth apart.” ...
"You said you'd bring me the head of Medusa" Polydectes replied. "I presume you refer to the Gorgon with snakes for hair and hideous tusks for teeth, the creature so horrible that her very gaze can turn the mightiest hero to stone. Well, I say fine - go do it." And so it wa...
Archetypes in Perseus Situational Archetypes- The Task, In Perseus the main task that happens is when Perseus a demigod, son of Zeus goes out to capture something special. Perseus sets out on an adventure to kill Medusa and capture her head to bring back as a gift. The hard part is that...
In Greek mythologyPerseusundertook a mission to kill theGorgon Medusa, the snake-haired monster who had the power of turning anyone who looked at her into stone. In the portrayal of the constellation Perseus holds Medusa’s severed head under his left arm, or is sometimes depicted holding the...
“I do not know. I believe it is men who fear the head of Medusa most.” “Well that’s quite a quest,” I said. “I wish you luck with it.” I thought perhaps that when he next flew off, he would never come back. It was a pity, because as I said, he was a nice lookin...
Inspired by the legend of Perseus slaying Medusa the Gorgon, artist Jon Marro has substituted Luke Skywalker in the role of the hero, with Ben Kenobi, Yoda, and R2-D2 looking on as he holds the decapitated head of Vader in victory… which is probably bittersweet since it’s Luke’s fa...