PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP PERLUASAN AREAL KOLAM BUDIDAYA IKAN DI LAHAN RAWA LEBAK Studi Kasus Di Desa Tungkaran Kecamatan Martapura Kabupaten BanjarThis research aims to know the people perception on the increasing of the pond fish culture in lowland swamp, and to know the connection of the ...
PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP CITRA POLISI LALU LINTAS DI POLSEK KECAMATAN TAMPAN KOTA PEKANBARU 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者:VA Wardani,Y Kadarisman 摘要: There were many phenomenons that deserved to be researched, one of thephenomenons was a bribe exploits in arresting every...
Adi WinataUdayana UniversityBumi LestariYuliana E dan Adi W. 2012. Pengaruh Karakteristik dan Persepsi terhadap Tingkat Partisipasi Anggota dalam Kelompok Masyarakat Pengawas (Pokmaswas) Sumberdaya Kelautan dan Perikanan. Jurnal Bumi Lestari. 12(2): 251-259....
Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Banjir di Perumahan Total Persada Raya Kota Tangerangdoi:10.29244/jp2wd.2023.7.2.199-214INDONESIAEMERGENCY managementMULTIPLE regression analysisRAINFALLPLANNED communitiesCOMMUNITY housingFlood disaster is a disaster that often ...
PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT LOKAL TERHADAP KEBERADAAN BAR DI KAWASAN WISATA SENGGIGI LOMBOK BARATThis research is entitled "Local Community Perception on the existence Bar in Tourism Destination Senggigi West Lombok". This is a tourism perspective study in terms of local community perception ...
The phase behavior of the resulting dendrimers with different chain ends (TPH-b-X, whose X indicates the structure of the chain end) will be discussed and compared to that of TPD-b-X series.Muhardi KurniawanJ General Legislative & Executive Papers...
PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT KABUPATEN BANJAR TERHADAP PEMANFAATAN ENERGI BIOGAS DAN KUALITAS PUPUK LIMBAH BIOGASResearch takes place in three villages (Danau Salak, Pengaron, Indrasari). The aims of research are want to know the perception due to build biogas unit (adventage, point plus, obstacle and ...
In addition, candidates who nominated is a past candidates. The conclusions is low level participation of the public in terms of polling and alleged involvement for election it will give the public perception of abstentions.Nike PuspitasariAchmad Husen dan M. Maiwan...
2006. " Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Produk Hijau: Tinjauan Faktor Demografi, Psikologi, Sosial dan Budaya ( Kasus Kota Padang )". Jurnal Bisnis & Manajemen, Vol. 2, No. 1.Herri., Putri, N., Kenedi, J. 2006. "Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Produk ...
PERSEPSI DAN PERILAKU MASYARAKAT PASCA VAKSINASI COVID-19 TERHADAP PENERAPAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN DI KECAMATAN TUBANdoi:10.58344/locus.v2i3.915COVID-19 vaccinesVACCINATIONINFECTIOUS disease transmissionPUBLIC opinionPUBLIC healthMore than 40% of Indonesian people have received the full dose ...