2, part. 1: Pre-Hellenistic Periods, Leiden. — [in press 2], Royal Name Seals of Darius I, in: W.F.M. Henkelman, C.E. Jones & C. Wood (eds.), Extraction and Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper, Chicago. — [forthcoming], The Seals of Ziššawiš in the ...
The first part of this word should, in the view of the present author, be taken as a pseudo-logogram (sikak).7 If so, the form ka4-si-ik-ki (PF 1343) should probably be read as GIS!si-ik-ki.8 This solution leads to the second occurrence, si-ik-ka4 [ba!]-gi-ra (NN ...
Achemenet Juillet 2015 43 ARTA 2015.004 http://www.achemenet.com/document/ARTA_2015.004-Azzoni-Stolper.pdf — A few epigraphs on registers imply that they were written as part of a process of arith- metic verification, by scribes who could read Elamite and write Aramaic. — The large ...
Photographic evidences are discussed briefly as the last part of this survey. 2. Material and Method 2.1. Authenticity and Conservation Maintaining the authenticity of heritage properties forms a reservoir of history and memory for future generations; thus, the notion of authenticity has been long ...